I just took this video. Please note that the hoovers seen first and second to last in the footage are the two ewes who were due to lamb last weekend. AHEM! I have to be gone from mid-afternoon through late evening today. I'll be home all day tomorrow but have to be gone most of the day Wednesday for responsibilities that I canNOT get out of. I am hoping Annabelle and Bronwen finally release those lambs Tuesday at the latest!
Meanwhile, itty-bitty baby lilac flowers are peeking out of their leafy blankets:

Trying to remind myself that patience is a virtue at . . .

Those last two sheep look like haystacks! Those poor ladies are huge!
Hope your wishes for their delivery times come true.
oooh! Look at all that greeeeen grass! We still have snow here. No greening up here until May.
Do they ever induce ewes?
Love watching the baby antagonizing that ewe...
That photo looks like a commercial picture. Great catch. You live in a beautiful country. I live in mud :(
Yes Isobelle, we have green grass! (And Sharon, we have plenty of MUD, too!)
Ruth, I have no idea why that naughty ramling hassles poor old Inky like that, but she is his "target" much of the time. Today she got plain worn out trying to get away from him!
Sharon, I probably would have missed that beautiful rainbow if Brian hadn't alerted me to it. Didn't think I'd be able to get it all in one frame, but I did!
That rainbow shot doesn't even look real it's so beautiful!
Ah, Michelle, I feel your pain. I am so tired of looking at the back ends of my ewes for any sign of imminent delivery! Of course, I am away every day M-F, but I figure they will wait until Thursday, when I cannot leave the office until late afternoon to have their lambs.
I can't believe they haven't lambed yet!!! Maybe they are waiting for the sunshine that is rumored to show up at the end of the week :) Love the rainbow photo!
I think I heard one of the girls bleat something about needing maternity jackets...
Oh, Michelle - your rainbow photo at the end is amazing! Made me smile!
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