Pecking order, that is. (Talk about my posts ranging from the magnificent to the mundane!)
It was high time to start integrating the Golden Girls into the flock. I was worried, because at least one of the Speckled Sussex has taken every opportunity to attack the pullets
through the wire of their protective pen, bloodying Brassy's comb. So I did things in stages. Late yesterday afternoon, I shut the pop door with the Golden Girls inside and the rest outside so the GGs could explore the coop, check out the nest boxes, and find their roosts. After dark I put the rest of the hens in.
This morning bright and early, I dumped a bunch of very ripe pears in the hen yard and opened the pop door, hoping the goodies would keep everyone too busy to fight.
Unfortunately, one Speckled Sussex was bound and determined to make like a fighting cock and put the newcomers in their place, so she got put in a cage to cool her heels while everyone else got acquainted.
The guilty party is easily distinguished by her white stand-up tail feathers |
Look at all the pretty colors in my little flock now! |
I ended up putting Buffy, the white Easter Egger, in with the nasty SS as well, because she had it in for Goldilocks – and
only Goldilocks. Interesting, that.
Periodically I sent Brian out to free the prisoners and watch over the interactions. Miss Nasty isn't getting any nicer. I'm thinking she may need a falconry hood!
That's it for today from . . .