It's not yet 7 a.m. and I've been to the Portland airport and back, picked up a box that was delivered to my neighbor's yesterday, fed the dogs and eaten breakfast. I still need to do chores, but decided to check email and dash off a blog post first in case we lose power later. The wind is picking up, whipping the trees around, and the rain-soaked ground can't always hold in the roots. Hopefully Rick and Brian's plane took off before the wind did!

The box I picked up contained roving - from the last partial-year's shearing of bright-white Dinah (not shown), and supposedly Inky and Katie. However, those two bags of black roving can't both be from Inky (although it is all lovely, soft stuff), and there is no light grey that could belong to Katie. Since I can't be sure the roving IS from Inky for marketing purposes, I will probably keep and spin it all myself.* Not a bad thing, but frustrating nonetheless. Now I have to decide who I am willing to trust with this year's fleeces....
Speaking of spinning, this is what I have been doing in my spare time:

That's a Finn/mohair sample on "Holly" (Jenkins Aegean Turkish spindle), and the superwash merino on my mS. I hope to finish and ply the merino this week while my guys are gone. Oh, you should
SEE my lists for this week! I have a list of things I
want to do, a list of obligations and appointments, and a list of things/areas to clean. If I don't go to bed most nights, I might get half of it all done. Ha!
One of the things on the first list is a sheepy appliqued quilt wall-hanging. Must get the prize for my lambing contest finished, you know! If you haven't entered yet and would like to, go
here before midnight tonight.
*After thinking about it during chores and taking the above photo, I'm pretty sure if one of the two bags of roving is Inky's, it is the true black on the right. While they are very similar in appearance and handle, the one on the left has a hint of darkest espresso to it. If the person who wins my contest would rather have fiber, I will substitute 6 ounces of the mystery fiber on the left for the wall-hanging.
That's it for now from . . .
What a time for a wind storm! Batten down, indeed. Be careful - get yourself tucked inside and take care.
What gorgeous fiber - thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear about the problem with roving/fleece processing - hope you're able to find just the right service provider for this year! When are you planning to shear?
Arachnedefiant, we already sheared - February 18! I have eight bags of fleece sitting in my tack room, waiting for a second skirting. Then some will be available for sale, or will be sent for processing.
There's nothing better than a warm, cozy afternoon nap when the weather is nasty! I'd go for one today if I were you after your early, busy start!
That WOULD be nice Heather, but I still have to show up for homeschool co-op, even if Brian is gone!
The roving is beautiful! Too bad you don't know what is yours that you sent. Can I ask who you sent it to? Always good to know. Superior Fibers has always done an outstanding job and you can't ask for better customer service! Good luck with your list, I know how that goes :)
Wow - the black looks beautiful :-)
Lovely looking fiber, but I would be a little ticked not to get what I sent in back. Didn't this happen to you once before? Wondering if it was the same place? I've sent off many orders to various places and always got back what I 'think' is mine. At least the colors and texture are in line with what it should be! Enjoy your alone time!
You make me interested in trying a Turkish spindle. I'm attracted to it being already in a ball when you're done, but it's hard to justify the expense when I already have a half dozen spindle. Maybe later~
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