. . . and no one sees it, is it any less beautiful?

I guess it's a moot question, because I DID see it, and its simple beauty made my heart sing. I don't know what this little native tree is, but it always surprises and charms me in early spring.

The way the front of our island looks right now makes me pretty happy, too!

And then there is the deep satisfaction of watching my first project with beads and lace grow on my needles. Last night I finished the E charts, which are the main body of the shoulderette; now it's on to the final edging! Like I told
Laura, I feel like I'm attending "knitting university," and graduation is in sight. The best part is, I get to
wear my diploma!
I'm headed outside to skirt a couple more fleeces while the sun shines. Another wet front is supposed to move in tonight.
That's it for now from . . .
Beautiful post.....You made my heart whistle a little tune with the lovely shots spring and that wonderful project you are making.
My week has been, well, less than uplifting, so thank you.
What a lovely little tree. I love that spring has come up somewhere. Not here, yet, but maybe soon.
There used to be one of those by my mailbox, but somebody cut it down. It was actually kind of hazardous, since you couldn't see to the west before pulling out onto the highway - but I miss it!
Thanks for the beautiful photos, I love the bead and lace project!
Wow, beautiful tree! You are in May while We Wisconsinites got thrown back to February! All of our spring birds were home... Poor things.
I am very anxious to see more baby sheep . . . I hope your ewes hurry up! ;-D
Glad you all enjoyed the photos. It's raining again now....
I'll be sure to tell them that, Adrienne. :-)
Indian plum, I believe that tree is. The blossoms are really complex when you look closely. They have a small dark blue fruit later. They bloom wonderfully early in the spring - harbingers of more to come.
The shawl is showing how lovely it's going to be at this stage. I wish I could share your weather joy. It's snowing - again.
Beautiful shawl!! You are doing a great job! I love it! I love your welcome sign also.
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