- my fire is full of 'em!

I've been pecking away at weeding my island bed for awhile now. We have a terribly invasive little evil that I call "pop weed" that's thick out there, and I am trying to get it (and all other weeds) pulled before they go to seed. On Sunday I got an added incentive for getting this job done. After taking my MIL to the airport I stopped by Costco, and saw a big display of bagged landscaping plants/bulbs. Some of the shade collections had the words "Deer resistant" or "Slug resistant" on them, which drew me like a moth to the flame. I have areas under the two trees in my island bed that are very shady, but I haven't come across a not-too-tall, deer-resistant solution to plant there. Enter these!

I had noticed that one of the bagged collections labeled "Deer resistant" had both hosta and astilbe in it, so I decided to get one bag containing three varieties of hosta, and one bag containing mixed astilbe. I've always loved hostas but have no experience with astilbe; the photos on the bag are sure pretty!
As if the above-mentioned (and all the additional unmentioned) weeding wasn't enough pressure, yesterday I decided to advertise my fleeces. Within hours I had inquiries on most of them, which means skirting needs to happen NOW. I got Browning's done this afternoon (below).

And of course, more lambs could arrive any day now - which means I've got to get busy on that sheepy wall hanging for whoever wins my lambing contest!
Paddling just as fast as I can at . . .
While I'm hoping you get more lambs than I "predicted", I'd sure like to have that hanging in my house...
Spring can make us crazy, can't it? That is a beautiful fleece. Still waiting for lambs here.
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