Today it was time to light the afterburners and get my rear in gear. I finished putting together our tax info to take to the accountant, made granola to fill the empty container in preparation for my husband's return, and worked on carrying into our woodshed a load of oak that was delivered today. Rain fills the seven-day forecast and indeed has already started, so the wood isn't going to get any drier laying on the ground. I still need to vacuum, file a mountain of paperwork, and continue the declutterization I've pecked at since my guys left. They don't fly in until tomorrow evening, but I have several errands to run tomorrow so won't have a lot of time at home to finish things then.
Speaking of pecking, I spent some time after chores this morning admiring the chickens. There is so much about chickens to like:

Pretty feathers

Fluffy butts
And of course, incredible, edible eggs!
That's it for now from . . .
I think chickens are gorgeous and especially roosters. I wish I didn't have my childhood fear of them. I might be more motivated to have some of my own instead of always mooching eggs.
Where does the time go?! You have a lot on your plate! I love the pictures of your chickens and I share your love of them. They are so entertaining.
You have lovely chickens and I enjoy admiring them. I even occasionally, think I might want a few and then I think about yet another food stuff that needs to be bought, the hard snowy winters, the coop cleaning and just having more souls to worry about. As I said, admiring from afar isn't so bad! ;)
I love your chickens too!
"Declutterization." That's what I need to be doing too. I'm amazed though, that every blog I read is talking about either rain or snow. Today I'm wondering if there's anything I can do outside before the next storm strikes!
The blues are my favorites. Don't work too hard Michelle.
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