First, the handsome youngster:

Then the story!

Yesterday I started a post about how disappointed I was. Yesterday was the due date based on Barish's introduction to the girls 24 hours after the CIDRs were removed, and NONE of my girls looked imminent. I had pretty much convinced myself that "back-up Blake" got lucky with all the girls in less than 24 hours and I'd have to wait another 2 1/2 weeks for lambs. But at chore time last night, Annabelle looked a bit preoccupied, in an uncomfortable sort of way. I decided to put her in the corner lambing pen just in case, since she gets picked on sometimes. This morning she looked bored and perfectly normal, so I let her back into the main fold where she proceeded to eat hay with the others -
most of the others. Now Katie was standing in the back corner, taking
her turn at looking preoccupied.

She actually seemed to want
in to that nice, clean lambing suite, but I decided there wasn't enough evidence to warrant it. I got ready to go to a doctor's appointment with Rick, drive Brian to a science class in a different town, drive him back for a birthday lunch and play date with friends, and then head to the ophthalmologist's for our annual eye exams - a full day of commitments away from home.
But after lunch, rather than running errands while Brian was occupied with friends, I decided to dash home and check on things. I was so thankful I did, because I caught Katie in the middle of a contraction. It was obviously early labor, but labor nonetheless, so I pulled her coat and put her in the lambing suite.

Then I had to dash back to town, pick up Brian, and head to the eye doctor's.
When we got home I drove straight to the barn, where we found what you see in the first photo - Boulderneigh's first katmoget, up and licked clean by his very attentive mom. How I would have loved to have Katie present me with a little katmoget
ewe.... But little (6+ lbs) Barrister is wonderfully square, with beautiful, consistent, crimpy fleece and, of course, those striking katmoget markings (and moon spots?). His horn buds are huge, so he didn't inherit that one possible poll gene from his sire FirthofFifth Barish, and will be available for sale as a potential flock sire.

Oh, and it was another four-egg day - this time,
all pullet eggs!
That's the latest from . . .
OMGosh he is sooo cute!!!
A little spotty for sure. Congrats Michelle. Not a bad way to begin the year, although I understand the angst. I have had 5 ewes lambs? 9 rams, 3 ewes. UGH. I know how you feel coming out of the first gate. Hang tight. The season is early for you. It only takes one great ewe to change your mind/heart and make the whole year so glorious.
Congratulations on your first katmoget Michelle. Sorry about the horns bud and the extra little package he came with. Hopefully the next one will be a katmoget ewe lamb! Fingers crossed!
He is adorable! Love all of the colors on him. Congratulations!!! Hopefully Annabelle is close with 2 little girls :)
He is a beautiful guy. Congrats!
I love that little guy - girl? Mim just last year got a katmoget and the other one like it. Adorable!! Happy Birthday Brian!! Is he still playing the violin?
Yay Barish!! Yay Katmoget! Yay spots! BOO a boy :) I'm hoping someone will appreciate him with his horns. He's a very striking boy!
I'm green with envy. No lambs here yet!
Yeaaaaa! Barish's first West coast offspring!
What a cutie! I've had kats with those funny dark spots. They kind of blend in as the fleece grows out. Then you shear them and say "oh, yeah... I remember those spots!"
OOO What a cutie! Everyones having lambs, I'm so jealous! :)
What a beauty. Congratulations on a successful start to the best season of the farm year!
Such a handsome sturdy little fellow! Congratulations to you and Mom Katie on starting lambing season off with a such a colorful healthy start!
Congrats to your new little! Glad everything went well. I should have my first lamb(s) in about 2 weeks.
I was hoping for twins! lol Congrats Michelle, he's a looker.
Wonderful! He is beautiful.
What a cutie. Will he also be Ag grey(his ear color makes me think so)? Not sure how that works with the katmogets. Next year you seriously need to add apple cider vinegar or something to your water to even up the odds for girls. Are you the about the first with Shetland lambs on the ground?
Thanks, everyone! Barrister really IS striking, so it's hard to be too disappointed. Besides, he'll be easier to sell as a fully-horned ram lamb, so that part is a good thing, I guess.
Rayna, that's what I thought until yesterday.
Kelly, Katie wasn't nearly as big as she was last year (with twins), so I was figuring on a single.
No, Tammy, others have had Shetland lambs already - I know, because I've been jealous of them! :-)
Very cute!! And, I have blooming dafs in my yard - noticed them yesterday..whoohoo!! Spring's almost here!!!
What a handsome, handsome boy!
Congratulations - what a handsome fella!
Congrats on the new arrival-what a handsome boy!
Shetland babies are just the cutest things. Hope there are some ewe lambs in your future.
Glad it all went well. Those are the best surprises--when it is all over and everyone is doing great. He's a cutie!
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