Yesterday was a high day in the henhouse, and not just because it was our first four-egg day thanks to more pullets coming into production. The
really exciting part was that one of those pullets - either Buffy or Muffy - is a green-egg-layer! I know, it's silly, but I just LOVE the "Easter Egg" colors you can get from Easter Eggers. I will be even more excited if our other EE pullet lays BLUE eggs!
Now for the gloomy bit:

Today while Brian was in science class and I was knitting away, I noticed a mistake in one of Maia's four "garter rib" sections, several rows down. Did you hear me groan?

This is what it's supposed to look like; somehow I got offset by one stitch in that one section. I've already tinked back one row; I have several more to go....
Meanwhile, exciting things are happening in the sheep fold. Stay tuned!
That's it for now from . . .
It better be twins!!! LOL
That's an easy fix. We can do it!!
Your crocheting looked fine to me, but then I haven't wielded hooks or needles for over 35 years!!! And baby lambies - soon! Yay!!!
Nancy in Iowa
I love getting green eggs everyday! Congrats on your first one!
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