Between the national news and a failing old gentleman ram, I've been feeling sad and unsettled this week. But yesterday Nightcap rallied some (I'm plying him with goodies)
and I was inundated with blessings in the form of produce. One of Rick's clients invited him over to pick green and mung beans, and they also sent home a bunch of yellow crookneck squash and a few tomatoes (to add to my piddly stash of tomatoes and bountiful harvest of zucchini).
While they were gone, a neighbor called to tell me our favorite little peach orchard was opening up to just a few locals for limited hours this week only for
FREE picking! Earlier in the summer we were told there wouldn't be
any peaches from them this year; the trees were hit hard with leaf curl. (We suspect he didn't spray this year because he plans to tear out the rest of the trees for wine grapes.)-:
So Rick and Brian got home, unloaded garden produce (I was already prepping for dilly beans, starting with green beans from our own garden), grabbed boxes and laundry baskets, and headed down to pick peaches. Oh glorious day!
Between 14 pints of spicy dilly beans and the big bowl of green and mung beans we grilled for our supper (along with veggie burgers with all the fixin's, garlic from our garden, and onion slices) that giant mixing bowl of beans has been reduced to a handful. Now on to freezing peaches – and a fresh peach pie or two!
That's it from blessed and busy . . .