Now that my lambing contest is over, I'll give you my best guess - and let me tell you, it is truly a guess! I thought anticipating this year's lambs would be easier. After all, I used CIDRs to time estrus, I know the exact (few) days the rams were exposed to the ewes, so I know the two narrow windows during which lambs can arrive. Well, we are one week away from the first due date, and the
only ewe who looks like she
may have Barish lambs is Annabelle.

She's not particularly large or bagged up, but her vulva is beginning to change. So I'll guess she has a single in there - and am
praying it's a poll-carrying katmoget ewe lamb!
Katie looks pregnant, but
nothing like last year. Here is Katie today:

And here is Katie last year two weeks before delivering twins:

One week before lambing:

And two days before lambing:

Based on last year I'd say she's not due for, oh, another two months. But since that's not possible, I have to assume she is carrying a single Blake lamb, and is due around March 26.
Bramble doesn't look at all pregnant, and because of the vaginitis she had last year, I'm not surprised. Bronwen doesn't have a pregnant-looking belly, but she's developing some thickening in her udder,

and I noticed this morning that her vulva is changing, too. (She asks that you excuse her bad shearing job!) So I'll guess Bronwen will also have a single. Whether she surprises me with a black-based Barish baby or waits to present me with a brown lamb from Blake, time will tell.
So that is three lambs from three ewes for my guess, which generates strangely conflicting feelings. Is it too much to ask that such a small showing could be all ewe lambs? After all, last year gave me
only ram lambs.

Spring is coming - I just don't know when!
That's it for now from . . .
I can't wait to see how it all turns out! I will wish for all beautiful, healthy lambs - no matter how many or what gender!
Looks to me like Barish was shooting blanks... I hope you have more than 3, but I hope they are all ewes!
The girls may surprise you yet! Don't the girls look pathetic after they are naked? lol
Oh, Laura - bite your tongue!
After Michelle's girls, he had 6 of mine, also with CIDR's. At least two of those are pregnant and I didn't use a backup ram.
It would be nice to have more rather than fewer.
Me, too, Susan.
Bite your tongue, Laura! :-)
Actually, Kelly, I like seeing my girls naked - at least when they shear off slick, like Katie. I think she is a beautifully put-together ewe, and like to be able to see that nice conformation.
Franna, you and I must have been commenting at the same time. We KNOW Barish is a proven sire; let's hope my girls are just being sneaky.
Hoping they're all girls! Mine are starting to show signs, we'll start really watching them now, but nothing should happen for another couple of weeks.
I'm excited either way for you. Can't wait to see baby pics. Mine won't start coming til first part of April. Peep is the first due that I just got in the fall from Juliann. I have 2 others bred to my ram and then 1 unreg older ewe that usually has twins but I hope she only has one this year. She's has not gotten through this winter as well as usual. Hope you have healthy beautiful girls!
Every time I see your grey ewe, Katie ~ I love her more! I am so hoping that Alice gives me a grey ewe lamb this year...
Hoping you have all girls!
Oh my goodness, seeing last year's picture of Katie from the rear from almost made me shoot coffee out of my nose. She looks wider than tall. Thanks for the morning giggle!
We'll see. You might be surprised :-).
Oh, so this is where I have to come to see bag shots! It's nice to know someone else is obsessed enough to be out in the paddocks snapping photos of the girls from behind and comparing them to last year's photos and dates. :-) I hope all the Barish ewes come through with lambs for you.
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