I must say, this Turkish spindle is an addictive little piece of eye candy! Call me crazy, but I'm thinking I need several of these in different colors so I can choose the one that coordinates best with whatever fiber I'm spinning. Not that I could afford to do that, but still. Maybe just one more in natural wood?
Oh, Molly's Revenge at yesterday's Brown Bag concert was as fantastic as ever. No, I didn't take my spindle; I missed the first half of the concert because I had to finish a client's newsletter, so wanted to just enjoy the part I DID get to attend. I wanted to get a photo of David Brewer playing each of his three instruments, but the photos of him playing the bodhran didn't turn out.

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That's it for now from . . .

I once worked for the local paper here, and had the distinct privilege and opportunity to interview a bagpiper. He was playing in the park one day, across from the paper office, and I spent half the day talking to him and listening to his playing. He was a member of the Ruby Mountain Highlanders, and I absolutely loved talking and listening to him. I was riveted :)
I've been visiting your blog for about a year now and this is my first time commenting. My beloved Wife is a hopeless fiber addict and she has all manner of fiber-related devices, many resembling for-sure medieval torture devices, but I digress, however, she doesn't have a Turkish spindle. I'm interested in perhaps surprising her with one. Would you consider informing me where I might find one? Anyway, keep on blogging, we appreciate it out here. Ken and Mary of Fancy Fibers Farm, Texas
How nice to hear from you, Ken (and just let me say I wish MY husband would, just once, surprise me with something fiber-related!)! Where are you in Texas? My folks live outside of Amarillo, and my sister is near D/FW.
I got my Turkish spindle from Threadsthrutime on Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/shop/Threadsthrutime?section_id=6935141), and must say I have to check in at their shop often to see what new beauties they've made. Barbara has been great with helpful communication, too. I highly recommend them!
I think the Turkish spindle is very clever. If I was a spindler, I'd be tempted to get one. I learned to spin on one though, and got singles down pretty well. Plying? That's another story altogether!
Michelle, many thanks for your response. I'll definitely visit the location you mentioned. She has so many fiber toys, but I think she'll get a lot of enjoyment out of the Turkish Spindle. She found an extremely old, simple, and rustic, Turkish loom that she's hung on the wall, but it serves no practical purpose like the spindle. Our place is on the outer periphery of DFW, in, appropriately enough, Farmersville, which is north-east of Dallas. We still own a house in Farmer's Branch, odd, I know, an old suburb of Dallas itself. Thanks for asking. We bought quite a few of our alpacas from south of Dallas, in a little town outside San Antonio, called Boerne. Anyway, again, thanks for your response. Y'all take care up there and I wish you could send us some of that cooler weather, we've had mid to high 90's since May, with not much relief in sight until October and our pastures are in a bad way from a lack of rain. This past weekend we had a couple of heat indexes in the 103-104 range. That is hard on the Shetlands, alpacas, and Angora goats, but they seem to manage with some shade, water, and a breeze.
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