I first took notice of Turkish spindles at Black Sheep Gathering this year, admiring the many beautiful Jenkins models at Woodland Woolworks' booth. I didn't get one there, in part because of the cost and in part because I just couldn't choose from so many options! But the more I thought about it once home, the more compelling the design was (you end up with a center-pull ball on your loaded spindle, eliminating one of my least favorite steps.
Somehow I found Threadsthrutime on Etsy and loved the dymondwood Turkish spindles featured in her header (perhaps having the plainest of wheels has made me swing the other way with spindles?). But it wasn't until yesterday that some became available. When I saw the one above I pounced like a cat - and made it mine. I can hardly wait for it to get here so I can take it for a spin!
And here's another piece of eye candy, just because I still can:

That's it for now from . . .

I have spindle envy. ;-)
It's beautiful!
love the colors! I've thought of getting one but never quite seem to justify it. Let us know how it spins :)
I will, Becky! I've been stalking that Etsy site to see what other eye candy she puts up and it's been hard not to buy a different one I think I like even better in hopes I can resell the one that's coming, but I've refrained....
Ralph made me a Turkish spindle as my first spinning tool - it's been the best one I have and I love to use it! I'm sure you're going to have a (yarn) ball with this beauty!
That turkish spindle is absolutely gorgeous. The colors are amazing. I bet it makes spinning all the more fun! :)
Love the Turkish spindle!! Beautiful!!
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