I've read many people's references to "bucket lists" - those things you want to do before you kick the bucket. I've never really related to those lists, because they usually include things like travel to exotic places, or bungee jumping, or writing and publishing a novel. Maybe I'm odd, but I don't dream of "going" and "doing" like that; I like my life pretty much as it is. Maybe that comes from not have any ideas of "where I'll be in ten years." Pioneer Woman asked that question once, something like "Where did you think you'd be today ten years ago?" So many of the answers in her comments were heartbreaking; so many had dreams unfulfilled, or shattered in one way or another. But I can't ever remember thinking, "When I grow up I want to be _____," or "I'm going to live in a house with a white picket fence with a sweet, loving husband and two perfect children." So I can't look back and think, "This isn't how I saw my life unfolding," and be disappointed! No, life unfolds and I live it (or bear it, as the case may be). I think that is a gift - one of many - from my mother....
Back to bucket lists. Once in awhile I see or read something (usually on someone's blog), and it reminds me that I
do have a bucket list, albeit a short and pretty boring one as bucket lists go. Here it is, in no particular order:
1) Knit a Fair Isle cardigan out of my own homespun, natural-colored Shetland wool.
2) Read all the works of C.S. Lewis.
3) Write a book of the wisdom I was raised by, the practical talk of my mother, repeated often.
4) Ride and compete (locally) at the Grand Prix level of dressage, preferably on my own horse that I've trained.
5) See my son raised to be a responsible, kind and Godly man.

Since right now my life is pretty much absorbed by #5, #1-4 will likely have to wait awhile. I'm okay with that.
you have a bucket list?
That's it for now from . . .
Actually I never thought about having a bucket list. I saw the movie, but I don't reckon I related to it all that much. I think the thing I would prize the most, is that when I die, I will stand before the Lord and hear him say, not simply "Welcome good and faithful Servant," but "Welcome Friend."
It's from a movie? Ha; shows how disconnected I am from the entertainment industry!
You said it better than I did, Leigh. Me too; me too!
No bucket list here. I'm too busy to take the time to THINK UP one...
Although, I would like to take a trip, someplace special, with both of my daughters.
I've never written a list, but maybe I should. They sometimes help to bring priorities into focus. I think I would copy your first item right onto mine--
It's funny you should bring this up because as I was driving home from town, the conversation popped into my mind when a friend said she was living her dream. I realized that I couldn't say that because I never had that dream. I've just always been curious and followed my curiosity. I'm still doing it.
I'm like Sharon always curious and followed that curiosity which always drew me to an animal of some sort. I guess if an elephant would fit into my buck I'd wish for one!
I would like to talk myself into going to Scotland and Alaska. I have leaving the farm issues... Sigh. However, if this awful heat doesn't break, I think Tim is shipping me to my friend in Anchorage. It's either going to be that or as he said this morning "a mercy killing". Mercy for him. He's already lined up about 100 folks that will vouch for his actions if it happens ;-D.
Sara, you crack me up! I would love to visit the British Isles -- ALL of them -- but it's not something I feel I NEED to do. Have Tim ship you here; the coast is ALWAYS deliciously cool, and it's only an hour from my house!
P.S. Bring the new Turkish spindle and we can practice on the beach!
I did watch the movie (Morgan Freeman and Jack Nickleson, I love Freeman in anything he does) and enjoyed it, but I've never made a list. I can't think of anything specific that I want to do, I just hope that I and my husband are retired, the kids are healthy and self sufficient, and Derek and I can do what ever, when ever we want :)
We've talked several times of going to Cornwall, where some of Derek's relatives live, then jump over to Ireland and Scotland.
I'm living my dream. Small acreage with lots of animals, a husband that treats me like a queen, but is also my best friend, and a wonderful, independent son. Horses was first on my list of "must have" critters, then a few chickens, so that's pretty on the mark. But, I had to travel a very rough road to get here, and wouldn't change a thing.
Good for you for putting your son before all your list items, all too often, we forget we only get them for a short time and then they are gone and starting a family of their own.
I have an absolutely HUGE bucket list and yes some of those items are the crazy adventure ones, but most are just about having simple new experiences like learning how to make paper or baking bread. That's the beauty of your life-to-do-list, you are the creator and it can be anything that has meaning to you. Good Luck!
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