Now isn't that classier than saying "my camera has been getting this weird magenta haze for awhile and it's happening more and more often and I don't know what to do"? Ah, to be French . . . except that I rather like being half German and half Scandinavian (Swedish and Danish to be exact) and don't know that I could pull off that famous French air de supériorité.
ANYhoo. Yes. My camera sees red. I have no idea why. Sometimes it goes away if I turn it off and on again, but more often it doesn't. Sometimes it flickers on and off while I'm trying to take a photo. You wouldn't believe all the award-winning photography you've missed because my camera wasn't cooperating on any given occasion (including during Cowboy Campmeeting).
Here's an example:

That's Barish being introduced to the weaned lambs Monday morning. It's blurry because the magenta haze also reduces available light so the shutter speed slows. Aggravating! But not aggravating enough to spend money on another camera. Besides, I LIKE this camera - when it's not seeing red.
That's it for now from . . .
Very bizarre!! I'd love to hear all about Cowboy campmeeting...who was there, how the speakers were, details - I want details!!! Rick is strangely tight-lipped and cranky since the return home. I get the impression he didn't have a very good time...
So is that the same as Purple Haze? Too funny, Michelle. I liked the French comments with it!!!
I just got a new camera - mine had a nervous breakdown, and it was only $89 (and it is purple, to boot). I haven't used it much, but I'm looking forward to actually including more pictures in my blog...
I don't speak French, but I like the comment about purple haze!
Michelle - it looks like the sheep are under a black light - they have that glow of fluorescence - very cool! I, too, like the Purple Haze comment - Jimi Hendrix would be proud. Take care, from KY.
Brook says that if yours is a Cannon camera (or any other) with a "color-swap" feature, that setting could be the problem. Hope that this helps!
Definitely Purple Haze - cool, man! Maybe you should name your next ramling "Jimi"...
It's actually a delightful photo - very interesting!!
Nancy in Iowa
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