Eventually yesterday I had a moment to enter the website in my own browser window to see if it was legit. Lo and behold, a list came up, showing Boulderneigh as #21 in the top 45 agricultural blogs on the net, including Pioneer Woman and Farmgirl! I don't know how I got there, but the company - including nine blogs I follow and enjoy - sure is good. :-)
So how about some agricultural content (since I still haven't had a chance to look at my photos)? When we got back, I decided to play "upset the fruit basket" with the sheep. After two weeks of quarantine and no symptoms whatsoever, I decided it was safe to put Bronwen back with the ewe flock, along with Browning who had been keeping Barish company in the Ram-ada Inn. Banjo got separated from his mother (who needs all the calories she eats to put some flesh back on her bony frame) and put in with the other older lambs, along with Barish. I watched that introduction carefully, but Barish is just as mellow with the little boys as I expected he'd be. He did butt heads with Bodhran once, because Bodhran challenged him (the little upstart). After one meeting with those aberrant horns, Bodhran decided he'd had enough and they've all been cohabitating the "wood lot" nicely - if you can ignore Banjo squalling for his mama. The upside of his noisy weaning is that suddenly he wants my attention, so I'm loving him up for Jeannie. Now we just need to get Rick to wether his brother so they can move to their new home....
That's it for now from . . .

Congratulations! :D
Congrats from me, too!!! The honor is well-deserved.
Nancy in Iowa
Cool Michelle! I only wish I had high speed as I could view your picture heavy blog more often! (In fact, I'm going to call the local people right now as they were supposed to have a tower up close to my house. Maybe soon!)
Great news, Miss Michelle - and Congratulations! Looking forward to your photos of your vacation. Take care, from KY.
Congrats!! You do have a wonderful blog and I missed it while you where gone! :)
Can't wait to hear all about your vacation!
Congratulations Michelle! I enjoy your blog, and love all the photos!
What a fantastic honer. I enjoy your blog so much. You have lots of fun things to say and at times you have a silly side that you aren't afraid to let us see. You "Rock" little lady.
I wasn't sure about that award and wondered if it were a ploy of some sort. Congrats! It sure is fun to show up on a list with all those good uns, eh?
Sara, YOU'RE one of the good'uns!
Thanks for all the compliments, everyone! I'd blog even if no one read it, but it does feel even better to know that what I do is enjoyed by others.
Wow, Michelle, congratulations! That's fantastic. Very interesting list. Looks like your blog is in excellent company.
Congratulations! And thanks for including the whole list. You done good grrl~
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