Before the end of July, I'll be marking two big blogging milestones - 1000 posts and my four-year anniversary! On July 28, 2006, I started this blog with this post. Several Shetland sheep and acquired skills later, I'm still blogging and loving it, and awed that over 100 people like what I do enough here to "follow" me. Gaining blogpals has got to be the best part of blogging; some visitors to Boulderneigh have become lifelong (and real-life!) friends.
So how to celebrate? Give-aways are always fun, and I already have some items stockpiled: a new-in-package 1GM MP3 player, a sheep book (Three Bags Full - a sheep detective story), a horse book (Chosen by a Horse - a memoir of how a broken horse fixed a broken heart), and Shetland fiber (of course). I want to add some edible goodies of some sort, and could also add photo notecards on the subject of your choice, and perhaps some homespun if I can make time to spin it. But rather than pick one random commenter to "win it all," I'd like share the love with as many as possible. So I'll draw one random name to choose from the list of items first, then another random name to choose next, and so on until all items are claimed. If you'd like to help me celebrate by entering my "milestones" give-away, then between now and midnight, July 28, please share how you found my little spot on the web, and what post or subject was most memorable for you. I look forward to reading your responses - and coming up with more prizes!
That's it for now from . . .

I don't need to be in a drawing, but since you asked ... :)
I found you through Sharon's blog I think, and it was just before you lost your beloved Rosie.
I don't need to be in the drawing either - and you know, I can't remember how you and I found each other's blogs - can you? :-)
Hi Michelle - I'm a relatively newcomer to your blog. I think I found you in June from Linda's blog Sheeps and Me - you're one of her followers, and I got here from there. I'd love to be entered into your give-away. That's such a cool thing to do. My favorite blog, I think, if I can narrow it down is your June 12th blog - A More Substantial Lamb Fix. I love when the lambs or someone's goat kids get comfortable enough to come sit on their people's laps. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. Take care, from KY.
Mmmmmm....yummy dahlia!
Well I think I found you because you left a comment on my blog. :) My favorite post... Well, probably you post on the BSG of 2009 when we first met in person. That was a fun time and was neat to see how many people met through that show.
Hmm, I think I found you through Mim's blog which I found through Sharon's blog. In any event I'm very happy I did as I've enjoyed your blogging a lot. Congrats on those milestones and 2010's first dahlia.
It's a beauty.
Congratulations on the milestones. It's amazing how quickly time slips by, isn't it?
I think I first read your blog when you announced on the Shetland list that you had created one. Either that or from a comment that you left on my blog.
I don't remember you having lost one of your first ewes at lambing! I think if that had happened to me I would have quit right then and there. :-(
The most memorable blog posts for me are when you were trying to find a new home for your beautiful, grey ewe, Bella. I absolutely loved her and thought she was SO gorgeous. But I just couldn't add another ewe to my flock at that time. I had very mixed feelings when she found a new home.
Wishing you continued success ~ both in blogdom and in life in general...
You sure have come a long way Michelle. 1000 blogs. Have you ever given the thought of how many hours that involves? I found your blog through Laura at psalm23 and I have been reading it for almost 2 years before I became a follower. I can remember the blogs that got you added to my favorites. One was about some bread being on the cupboard and a dog having to spend time in the basement and another was a picture of Brian and I think it was Jackson sleding. The look on Brian's face and Jackson's face were priceless. I wondered how you got that shot at the right moment. So...that's how you ended up having another sheep friend in Wisconsin.
Becky and Adrienne, it's not about NEED. ;-) What do you WANT? I may have to add your wants to my list of prizes!
Thank-you all for your comments! Nancy, YOU were instrumental in me starting a blog - you and Tina T-P. Too bad we couldn't have traded Bella and Zaria, huh? Linda, isn't it funny that it wasn't my sheep posts that got me another sheep friend in WI?
Oh, I found you, and then found your blog! A friend and I were cruising through the sheep pens during BSG 2009 and we stopped to to talk to you about Shetland sheep. You were so wonderful about answering all our questions! And later I ended up buy fleece from you, and then found your blog. I'm so happy I did.
I found your site while contemplating my first sheep. I discovered I love to knit lace and since I'm a bit OCD I started researching lace, which led me to Shetland, which led me to sheep. Since I'm also a spinner, I was also coming at this from the fiber side of things. Yours was one of the blogs I read to learn more about Shetland sheep and raising them in the U.S.
The drawing is such a fun idea! I'm going to stow that one away in my mental files for a later date.
As for my favorite blog, there are several that I have really enjoyed reading; however, there is one that my brain has repeatedly referenced. It is the shortest blog of yours that I have read to date, but I remember it because of what it represents; it was your wedding anniversary blog. That one little blog, with its picture of the delicious cake, has repeatedly reminded me to share the joy of milestones in my life and that of my family's. Even though going back to college this summer has left me a bit short on time to blog about everything, I often picture your cake in my head when I'm planning the next summer birthday party or anniversary. In the hustle & bustle of daily life, it can be so easy to glaze over yet another birthday or holiday. Well, your cake just just "pops" into my head, and I smile and remember not to short-change myself or others. If only that cake would pop itself into my mouth! :)
Thank you for blogging and sharing the joys of your life with the rest of us.
I started following your blog when I had asked a question about the color of my lambs and no one gave me answer, but you e-mailed me and did. I thought that was great and the read your blog. And shortly after started one of my own!
I don't think I have a favorite blog because they are all wonderful. You have such a way with words they are always a joy to read. Like reading a good book where you can't wait to read the next chapter!
You are my inspiration for my blog and maybe someday I can put words together as well as you!
Congratulations on your milestones!
I'm putting this in for Jeannie, who sent it by private email (so I remember to put her in the drawing!): "As you know, I discovered your blog because we discovered you and Shetlands at Black Sheep 2009. The real treasures – of course – are our friendship and our little sheep. And I like so many of your blogs – the wonderful pictures of sheep, chickens and flowers – my favorite though is probably lamb races. I pull that up every so often and laugh at the little ones chasing each other. Hope you keep right on blogging."
You know what? I, being a Senior Citizen, can't remember exactly just HOW we found each other...but I KNOW I am very grateful we did!!! :) And please don't send "goodies" - YOU are "goodie" enough for me.
Hugs to ewe, dear friend...
and Congratulations!
If I had to pick something it would be some of your wonderful preserves! Goodness knows I don't need yarn lol
You've already sent me so many wonderful things; the cards, the scarf, the apple butter, no, I'm good :)
There is one thing I missed at BSG, I wish we could have sat and visited for a bit, spun some yarn and some tales.
I have never posted a comment on any blog till today but your blog (and give-away) have motivated me.
I found your blog quite by accident and have found it inspiring and motivating and entertaining and amusing. I have no fav blog entry or subject.. I just look forward to the inspiration and joy checking your blog brings me each day, as silly as that may sound,
I faced blindness 4 years ago and beat it and spend 8 months in bed while pregnant with my now almost 2 year old and we both survived!! And I find joy in so many things and your blog and adventures and flower pics and sheep are just one of them.. lol
I live in Northern MN with 3 human children, 2 Icelandic sheep, 18 year old app/quarter cross mare, several little dogs and one Aussie dog and my spinning wheel.
I love seeing and hearing about your adventures with sheep and reading your horse blog also. Thank You for the bright spots they bring to my sometimes hard scrabble life.
Keep it coming..
Thanks for sharing, Shelly, Cate, Kim and Marie! And bearhugs back to you, Kathy. :-)
Oh Becky, that is a good idea! I'll add some preserves or "butter" to the list of prizes. (And no, I would NEVER send a master spinner like you yarn - that would be like Brian sending a crayon drawing to Monet!:-)
Melanie, your touching comment nearly brought me to tears. Welcome, and thank-you for the honor of your first comment to a blog, and your enjoyment of mine. You have an inspiring story yourself; sounds like great blog material to me!
Congratulations on your milestones. 1000 posts is very impressive. I hope you enjoyed the sheep detective story, and I am glad you are passing it on :)
Oh gosh - I'm so lucky in my life Michelle - what would I want? All your stuff is so awesome. I suppose just the continued pleasure of reading about your life, and the joy of our friendship. One of these days we will meet in person. I have a good feeling about it!
Wow that's some dedicated blogging you've been doing! Well done!
I found your blog when you visited mine, in fact I think that you were my first ever commenter! So thank you for your long lasting blogging friendship. I'm very glad that you stopped by.
The comments left daily are the best indicator of how people (me included) love to read about the goings on in your life. May you merrily blog for many years to come x
I think I found you through Nancy, but can't remember HOW I found her. I love your spirit and compassion that is reflected in your pictures and writing. To the next 1000 :-D.
I can't even remember what I did yesterday ;) I think I found your lovely blog through Tammy's blog at Wrensong Farm. I always enjoy your pictures and all of your accomplishments. Your most recent post - Indigo and Paisley - really stands out for me and not because I just read it, lol. I have never been drawn to a spindle, but yours is beautiful!!! Congratulations on your milestones!
I don't really remember how I found your blog, but it was probably thru the crazysheeplady, Sarah! I also don't have a favorite post of yours that I can think of, but I must say that I have enjoyed your photos and a glimpse into your life. Thanks for having such an interesting blog, and good luck with your giveaway.
June in NC
just another spinner.
I found you through Corinne's Crosswinds site. I had my first Shetland lambs this spring and I love seeing what other Shetland 'moms' had for lambs. The post that made me cry was when poor Brava died. So sad, but I am glad that is is having a happy ending for her son.
I'm pretty sure I found your blog through Sara (and felt I almost got to know you when you came to KY last year-even though we didn't actually meet!)As vet's wives, I think we share a common philosphy about lots of things. Your blog and photos are terrific. Keep up the good work!!
Well, Michelle,
I've been wracking my old brain to think how I discovered your blog, and I think I actually was in contact with you pre-blog.... If I remember correctly I first emailed you in regards to a question you had on the Shetland Yahoo group listing regarding if there was actually a market for wethers, or something such as that. It's been fun getting to know you over the years and I loved getting to meet you a few years back. Just wish that we lived closer! Heres to many more blog posts and the unexpected friendships they bring into our lives.
Love your blog and pictures. We raise Shetlands and love seeing other adventures with their little sheep. I was at BSG in 2008 helping a friend show her sheep.
Terry N
Congrats on your milestone and that you for all the wonderful stories and pictures! Your sheep and farm are stunning :)
Ontario Canada
ok ok I'll leave a comment here :)
Congrats on your milestones my friend! I'm glad to have found you along this journey we call life!
Congratulations - at the rate I post, I'll be about 100 by the time I reach 1000 posts!!
It's fun reading about your various doings!
I look at your blog almost every day to see the beautiful pictures. My favorite are the sheep, especially lambing. I also like the horses, dogs, cats, spinning and knitting. The flowers and scenery are a reminder that you are in a very different climate than we are here in northeastern Colorado. I found your blog late last fall from a link on thecrazysheeplady blog when you visited her farm.
I met you through Lauren- perhaps I found her through looking for pictures of goats. I've stayed with you because of the sweetness of your writing and your lovely photos. Many congratulations on your milestones, Michelle!
How wonderful to be able to lok back over the last four years of your blogging life!! That is quite an accomplishment Michelle...I am so glad we have been able to spend a wonderful week together one special day....
many happy more posts to come...
Love from the cozy cottage
I found you via another sheep blog - I'm not a farmer, rancher or knitter, but I love the photos of farm life. 1000 blog posts - that's amazing!!
I look forward to reading your blog for years to come.
Nancy in Iowa
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