Working at the clinic this week has given me time to spindle, and with my laptop I can keep up with clients' jobs, emails and blogs, but it sure cuts into what I can do at home. This morning I was setting a drip hose in the garden and realized that the purple bush beans and patty pan squash are overdue for picking, and there's plenty of tender, young yellow crooknecks to harvest as well. Oh well; it's not like I've had time to cook any of it anyway - hopefully I'll get home in time to do that today although it doesn't look promising. The plan was for me to cover the office every morning and for Rick's assistant to cover the afternoons, but it hasn't worked out that way. Yesterday I got home in time to help Brian practice his violin, feed him a quick supper and put him to bed, then do a few tasks and the barn chores, post on the anniversary give-away and fall into bed myself.
ANYway. This post was not meant to be a complaint about my week! I just wanted to share how much I enjoy heading out in the cool, refreshing morning air by myself to do chores. And while it's not exactly
quiet - Katie has got to be the loudest sheep on the PLANET - taking care of the animals is a task that brings peace to my soul. Following that up in the garden with boysenberries, red raspberries and black raspberries eaten straight off the canes with this cheery face to keep me company? Priceless!

That's it for today from . . .
Nice new look to your blog. Great photo of the sheep and a restful blue sky background. :-)
Great sunflowers!! I'm enjoying them in the garden lately, too! :) happy weekend!!
Congratulations on your blogging milestone. I meant to note it earlier in the week, but didn't get a chance. Yes, I certainly do understand how it is out performing farm chores early in the morning when so much is still tranquil. However, we don't have many cool mornings this time of the year in Texas, it's usually high-70s/low-80s when the sun comes up, but I know of which you speak!
Thanks, Franna and Anna!
Ken and Mary, that is indeed one of the many blessings of living here. It is a rare summer night that we don't get down into the 50s (at MOST 60s) at night, which makes for restful sleeping, as well as refreshing mornings.
Beautiful sunflower! I love the perfect center.
I understand Michelle--those first few moments outside to begin the day (mouthy sheep included...). I love picking a few cherry tomatoes off the vine, puttering around and watering things after getting the livestock tended. It's hot and horrid here, but for a few minutes in the morning it is bearable. Now I just need to grow some raspberries and blackberries!
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