Last night I finished spinning the oh.so.pretty gift batt on my beautiful little Paisley, and the sum is even more gorgeous than its parts! Once I figured out an efficient rather than haphazard way to wind on the yarn, it turned into a little work of art (I just wish my camera could capture the sparkly starfire in the fiber!). So here is the question of the day: IF I can bear to deconstruct this and USE the yarn, what should I do now? I could ply it on itself from a center-pull ball, or, to make it stretch farther by plying it with black or white. I guess I could use it as a single, but I'm not as comfortable with that option. Help me decide!
That's it for today at . . .
oooh pretty colors - don't know much about spinning so whatever you do be sure we get the update:) What did you have in mind to knit it into?
I think I'd try for a medium gray, if you have it, or a dusky purple. Both of those would blend nicely with the single, and extend your yardage. Navajo plying would be best, but then you would have 1/3 as much yarn :(
There's just a little more than an ounce of this yarn, so I definitely need to ply it WITH something to have enough for a small project, like a lacy scarf.
It is lovely! So pretty, the way it is wound. Good job. Laura's idea of gray or dusky purple is good. Dark purple or black would show it off better though.
What Laura said. I learned years ago that I should just probably listen to her in the first place. I didn't realize until after BSG that those Turkish spindles give you a center-pull ball. You spinning is terrific!
I would have said to pick one of the medium blue colors and ply with that, but I'm hopeless when it comes to matching colors... Laura's probably right.
I think a soft, silver-grey would be pretty plied with it. It's kind of similar to the colors I used for the top edge of my knit blanket. Beautiful yarn! You sure did jump right into spindle spinning...
It is soooo beautiful the way it is on the spindle. If I ever get a Turkish spindle I will have to learn to wind it on like that! I would ply it with a darker solid color so that all the colors will pop out.
It looks so nice wound on like that I'd be tempted to just let it sit there for quite awhile. And get another spindle... ;-)
Oh just pet it for a while! I'm with thecrazysheeplady, buy another spindle. ;-)
How do you get the yarn off that contraption? Do you wrap it onto a niddy noddy? How do you ply? I have watched other people spin on these in and think "if only I could do that". I think I would put it under glass and just look at it because it looks so amazing. By the way...what does AG mean when your talking about sheep?
WOW, WOW, BEAUTIFUL Yarn and spindle.
First, That is Incredible as just art, I have several skeins that will always be "just art" and spindles full of yarn that hang above my desk as "just art".
Second my 12 year old son thought it was REALLY Beautiful, that you are very talented and that now in addition to everything else I spin with if you do that I CAN and have to..LOL.. "Thanks" He insists that a Turkish spindle will be the next thing I buy for myself. I told him he is right, and what 12 year old does not want to be told he is right.
In regards to what to ply it with.. I find myself faced with this same dilemma all the time. I would ply it with itself and spin something in a close or coordinating color or a cream and crochet or in your case knit something striped. A small scarf or a small bag, I make lots of little draw string type bags.
Thank You for the "eye candy" and the new ideas and let us know what you do with this yarn.. even my son wants to know what it eventually becomes.
and How bout this.. a second blog comment from me.. this could become a habit..
Uh, Sara and Theresa, another one IS on its way.... (sheepish grin) Linda, look back to my "Deconstructing a Turkish spindle" post. All the parts slip out and you're left with a center-pull ball! From that you can easily ply it on itself or with another single. Ag refers to the Agouti gene, which causes black sheep to fade to light grey and brown sheep to fade to musket.
oh! so pretty the yarn and spindle together! I second Laura's suggestion, I love the soft and heathery look of the single and think soft gray would compliment the yarn nicely. Or the dusky purple, depending on what you like wearing. I haven't yet tried plying a lovely colorful single with anything but itself, but maybe its time to try. I seem to like the colors of my singles more before plying than after, even with Navajo ply.
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