My work-away-from-home week came to an end Friday afternoon, and I dashed around town doing errands before heading home. I stopped by an animal art boutique to pick up a couple of my scratchboard prints which haven't sold, and met the owner's captivating cat. Meet "Grease," a Bengal cat, the first one I've ever seen and the perfect "shop cat"!

Grease is a retired show/stud cat, therefore a good example of the breed. He definitely had a "wild cat" look about him, and is so very personable and
ssoooffft. What was really intriguing is that his pattern is only on the tips of his hair; underneath it is basically white - all over!

When I got home I harvested enough veggies (I already had a garden onion in the house) to throw together a pasta dish to take to church for potluck - angel hair pasta; onions, green (purple) beans, yellow crookneck and patty pan squash, basil and garlic sauteed in olive oil; a little kosher salt and a pint of fat-free sour cream. There was too much to fit in my covered casserole, so I had some for supper (Rick and Brian were still out on calls).
While I was in the garden, some dark clouds tried to move in and I even heard thunder. I hear you thinking, "Yeah, so?" Thunder is about as common as sultry summer nights here; it's
news. (I miss the thunderstorms of the Midwest, but not the sultry summer nights!) After awhile I even smelled rain on the stiff coast breeze, but the clouds over Boulderneigh broke up. I headed down to do chores wearing a jacket.
Bodhran is back in with Barish, Blake and Barry now, none the worse for his touch-and-go surgery. All the boys dove into their hay:

I have two hay feeders in their lot so the smaller boys don't have to compete with Barish, who pushes them around sometimes. From the looks of Barish's barrel, he NEEDS a little competition!

I opened the front door and windows when I got home to let the wind blow through, and by the time I returned from chores, the temperature in what had been a warm, stuffy house was a fresh 59 degrees. Aaah; perfect sleeping conditions!
That's it for now at . . .