The petite daphne bushes burst forth:

The lilac buds began to open:

And the bees were buzzing among the fully unfurled cherry blossoms:

Soon, another lamb post (what else?) from . . .

Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Jealous, I am so jealous! You appear to be weeks ahead of us in the arrival of spring! And by the way, LOVE the orchard/beehive shot. So peaceful.
Ahhh it is so beautiful. I can't wait till we get to that stage. You are a good month ahead of us.
I am so very pleased to report that all four of my fruit trees survived the winter. The peach trees are fully leafed out, and the cherries are in full bloom. Yippee!!
My gorgeous deep purple lilac did not however. :(
I want to get a replacement, as well as more daphne and more berries. Lots and lots of berries.
It looks like you have lots of beautiful plants in your yard. Lots of visual interest and photo opps!
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