It has been 150 days since Butter was exposed briefly to Braveheart. Fellow shepherds, how long have yearlings of yours waited to lamb? Are they like humans, who tend to carry their first ones a little over term? I'm supposed to leave tomorrow evening for a women's retreat on the coast, and I really don't want to be gone when Butter and Brava lamb. It won't surprise me if Brava lambs first, because just like what happened with Dinah and Inky, her udder has surpassed Butter's in size and firmness, and it's hard to see what's under that big fleece. Aack! It's just as nerve-wracking waiting for ewes #3 and #4 as it was to wait on #1 and #2!

Meanwhile, I will enjoy our flowers, watch lamb races in the pasture, and start packing for the weekend - including a knitting project, of course!

Us hens (if I go) will have fun and be blessed, I'm sure. The featured speaker is such a neat lady, full of love and the joy of the Lord. We're supposed to have wonderful weather for walking on the beach, too!
That's it for now at . . .
I've seen a lot of days based on 150 day gestation for sheep, so I would bet it's safe to say Butter could go at any time. How swollen is her back end?
a lot of *gestation charts....not days...lol
All the charts I've used are based on 147 days, but show a range on either side. As for Butter's backside, her belly, udder and vulva have all stayed about the same for the last week; no significant changes there or in behavior. Brava is the one who has gotten a bit more swollen in udder and vulva, and although I can't tell what is belly and what is wool, she waddles more than any other pregnant ewe I've had!
Have a great retreat.
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