Thanks to everyone who wished me a great weekend. The beach retreat was wonderful, and will get a well-deserved post of its own. But first I have to share share how glorious today is. It's shirt-sleeve weather - the warmest day we've had since last October. The sun is shining, the flowers are exploding, and the lambs are hopping. When I called Rick to tell him I was on my way, Brian burst in on the conversation to tell me Brava had just had a lamb! He and Rick both said it was black (which I knew was impossible from two brown parents) and solid, meaning an end to my run of gulmogets. No matter; I was anxious to get home and see my Sunday surprise. So much for animals waiting to drop their young until the middle of the night or during inclement weather. So far this year my ewes have been most considerate, doing all the work themselves and during regular waking hours, no less!
After hugging my guys, petting the dog, unloading a few things from the car and changing clothes, I went to the sheep fold for a look-see. Brava was busy attending to this lanky lamb, a crimpy moorit ram with horn buds:

Brava was passing the afterbirth, so this little fellow (whose name hasn't come to me yet) is a single. Since yearling Butter will likely single as well, it looks like the total number of lambs will be five - less than I expected and anyone guessed!

Going . . .

going . . .

going . . .

That's it for now from . . .
Well, if it makes you feel happy for yourself, I just delivered my last set of twin EWES with ice pellets pelting me in the face. It was lovely.
I made a stall in the garage for the new family. They would probably be fine outside, but this way I don't have to worry about the babies getting cold since it's going to hit the low 20s tonight.
It is great to have so many girl babies, and so stinky that it's going to hit the low 20s in APRIL!!!
AAawwww! Happy Dreams, sweet baby...
He looks like he'll hve beautiful fleece!
He's a cutie pie! Wish he had been a she...
I am forgetting... which ram is is daddy?
Isnt that interesting! I havent had any lambs in the middle of the night or in nasty weather this year either! Definately not normal!
Congrats on the little ram lamb - the solid color adds some variety to all those gullies. Is Brava the ewe you've been debating over whether or not she's Ag? I'm wondering if her little guy may be musket...just thinking out loud here after I noticed the white in his ears and a trace of sugar lips.
Yes, Nancy, I think he will have a very nice fleece. His little brother is even better!
MiniKat, I think my next post answered your question. :-) And I wish at least one had been a "she," too!
Thanks, Becky, and yes, Brava is the one I'm not sure about. Beau does have some white hairs in one ear (and like five in the other ear), but no white hairs on his scrotum and no sugar lips (the flash makes it appear that he may). If she is a musket, she is a dark, atypical one, so that may be the case with him.
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