I am relieved to be able to say that Brava is now much more attentive and Boo is figuring out who "mom" is. He'll still follow Jackson sometimes (and I'm sure would get confused by other sheep), but at least Brava talks to him now and he'll turn from his erring ways. Brava and her boys are still in the oversized maternity ward except when I halter Brava to take them out for grazing and exploring on their own. Yesterday we went for quite a stroll, and the boys are looking stronger and straighter.

While I had the little family out, Brian asked if it's okay if sheep eat dandelions. I told him yes, sheep LOVE dandelions and we love them to EAT dandelions. So he ran to the house for a little basket, picked a bunch of yellow blossoms, and fed them one by one to Brava. I thought this photo was perfect for Easter weekend!

That's it for now from . . .

Love the photo of Brian feeding her dandelions. I can't wait until our snow is gone and I can send Kohen out to do the same thing!
What lovely photos for a beautiful Easter weekend. I love the one of the dog with the baby lamb. That is priceless. I am still waiting for alll our snow to dissapear.
I had a black ram lamb in 2005 who had the same type of fleece change at the rib area. He turned out to have a fine, consistent, short stapled, UK type fleece. He had Holly and Minder lines in his pedigree. He micron tested at 22.9 AFD, 5.1 SD, 22.1 CV, and a 92.4 CF (CF=comfort factor). Oh, and he was scurred.
Thank-you so much for sharing this, Becky! I'm thinking Brava and Butter are my best chances for producing a half- or full-poll eventual replacement for Braveheart. Any ram would have to go a long way to have a better structure (a longer topline is the only improvement possible, IMO), and his tail and fleece consistency are perfect. But he could be softer and finer, so I'm watching Brava's two boys, and eagerly waiting to see what super-soft Butter produces....
Hi Michelle I too have had lambs that started out like that and ended up to have very nice fleeces! They are the two sweetest looking lambs!
Looks like your boy has what I've heard called "lamb kemp" which goes away as they mature and do have lovely soft fleeces underneith. I have a jacob ewe lamb that is consistently crimped but also has that longer lamb kemp -- I've been told she'll have a nice fleece later on. :)
Oh my gosh, cuteness abounds in this entry! The dandilion shot is priceless!
Such adorable pictures! I love them all!
Glad to see Brava is coming around.
Have a happy Easter this weekend!
Oooooh, I'm so envious of your beautiful green grass. And to have such beautiful animals and cute children to adorn it too...:)
They are lovely photos and the lambs are absolutely gorgeous.You are right the photo of Brian feeding Brava is precious and perfect for this weekend
Have a lovely Easter
It IS precious! Tell Brian I have one ewe that loves dandelions so much that when I let her into new pasture, she runs around and eats the yellow flowers of the dandelions before anything (or anyone) else. She looks very funny...kind of like a sheepy pac-man eating yellow dots...
I don't know which pic I love more, Brian feeding the dandelions or Jackson with the gully lamb. Both are too precious for words!! Happy Easter! Tammy, Valentine, Bevin, Rechel, Bella and Kylie
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