The rest were taken during the test itself (Third Level, Test 1). Russell was the only horse at this level in a snaffle bridle; the rest were in double bridles.

Okay, April Fool's again; there ARE lambs in this post - MOVING lambs! This morning I took new video footage of lamb races, and this time it successfully uploaded to YouTube so I could imbed it here. Enjoy!
That's it for now from . . .

Awww! I LOVE lamb races...and you and the horsey look darn good!
The moms look a bit concerned about their kids running off without them!
I love the worried moms running after their wayward charges. Thanks for the laughs.
- Franna
Hi Michelle, I've just checked out your new video. They are absolutely adorable!! Those little suckers can really go!! They seem to have their mamas quite worried though...poor things. So much fun watching the babies. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for helping me out with the link stuff - maybe I'll get a chance to try my hand at it later.
I've joined your followers, and invite you over to mine. I don't feel right about reading yours, if you can't read mine. :)
Forgot to mention that you and Russel look great!! What is the point of a double bridle?
Ha ha! I love this april fools post. Thanks for making my day. There is nothing better than little lambs jumping and playing. You look great on Russell.
Lorie, because of the extra torque of a curb bit with shanks, a double bridle makes it easier for a rider to get the correct frame and collection for the upper levels, rather than relying strictly on a horse's correct training. There is usually great admiration for the Olympic-level riders (where double bridles are required gear for show) who do their warm-ups in just a snaffle, because of the training and "light hands" it demonstrates.
Russell's a beautiful animal, you must really enjoy him. Fun lamb video!
They can really run fast, could they do flyball ;-)
Thanks you so much for sharing this. Russel is gorgeous! And those lambs are such fun (but not for their mothers though) I enjoyed this April Fools post very much!
It was fun to see the photos of you and Russel! You both look great. I love dressage and was able to do that many years ago in college and really enjoyed it.Brings back good memories. Wish I could load the "lamb races", our dial up is really slow.
You look great in those photos! How very distinguished - you look like you could go riding with the Queen.
Super cute lambs!
Great photo of you in the ring!!!
Beautiful job Michelle! Russel is so handsome too... You guys look great! :D
Now that was just mean ;) I was starting to feel bad that your ewe didn't wait until Easter to have more gulmoget babies for you. You and Russell look fantastic!
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