Isn't that an advertising slogan? To me it fits where we live here in the Willamette Valley. I do not believe there is a prettier place on earth in the spring. People talk about how beautiful Hawaii and other tropical paradises are, but how can they beat this? Add in the animals I love, and my heart is firmly anchored here - and my feet try to be. My husband is sometimes frustrated by my reluctance to "get away," but why would I want to? (Well, okay, I love the beach, but that is only an hour away; no need to be gone overnight. :-)
Walk with me around my little corner of paradise . . . .

What I see coming up from the barn through the pasture. Our bedroom and bathroom windows are behind the cherry tree branches (upstairs). You can see the edge of the deck where I was skirting fleeces on the right. The bushes around the foundation are a daphne variety.

What I see coming up from the barn using the driveway.

Looking back at that same old cherry tree, lit by the morning sun.

Straight out the front door is this double-flowered pink cherry. You can see the tilled garden spot behind.

I just love its tissue-paper blossoms!

These are right outside the door into the garage, which I use far more than the front door.

The candytuft are taking over the little bed right outside the front door; there are certainly worse problems to have.

While there is other pretty flora to see, I wanted to share a shot I took while skirting fleece on the deck. Jackson was on the lawn below chewing on a stick; he's never far from me if he can help it. Such a companionable boy - and beautiful to boot! The space he takes up in my heart has slowly compressed the gaping wound from losing Rosie to a small, more easily-ignored hole. I am thankful.
Happy Sabbath from . . .
What a wonderful place you live in. Everything my heart would desire anyway. Flowers, gardens, animals and Jackson. He is looking at you with love in his eyes. How fortunate you are.
It is beautiful. I have always felt that way about the north-west though, having been born there and visited many times. To have a bit of it all to yourself, paradise :)
Must be the breed. Beamer does the same thing, he lays down where ever I happen to be. If Im on the computer before he comes in, he will touch me with his nose to let me know he's arrived. He lays under my feet when I sit on the couch, and sleeps in my room after Jari goes to school in the mornings. Gotta love that lovin'!
You have a beautiful place! When I was growing up in Southern California I always heard my Grandparents, that lived in Washington, refer to the Pacific Northwest as "God's Country" and now that I live here I totally understand why. I wonder if God started up North and gave us his best... We sure are blessed.
I know what you mean about 'filling the gaping hole'...
Bella has totally won me over and I so look forward to growing old with her. She is truly my Friend.
My goodness, you have a beautiful place! Good boy, Jackson! Stay close to mom and make sure she gets all those fleeces picked and skirted. And...psst! Jackson!... if you find out what "hogget" means, pass it on to Celeste, so I can find out!
How very nice to show us round you home, very beautiful. Jackson looks great as well.
Wizz :-)
I agree, your place absolutely lovely. Who'd want to leave that?
Such a beautiful home you have. Your flowers are lovely and the cherry trees scrumptious! Jackson looks like a real sweetie. Loyal and good.
Great post.
Michelle, as usual your post is beautiful in photo and prose. And I agree with you, there is no place as pretty as the NW in spring. Bob and I have threatened to move because of the liberal politics of this state, but the beauty keeps us here. And this little piece of land we call home is in my heart. Besides how can we be 'light' in the darkness if we are not in the darkness? So this is where God wants us for now. And having you for a neighbor and friend, makes this little piece of heaven so much more enjoyable. I love you.
And here I thought the post would be about a Shetland's fleece... ;)
Love those cherry blossoms, they're amazing!
No place like home eh? I always felt the same about the Lake District, wherever I went I'd always think "that's amazing/beautiful/impressive but it's not prettier than the Lakes!" Guess we're a bit biased though :o)
What I think is great is that you recognize that you are in your own paradise, Michelle.
We, too, are people who love to be at home, surrounded by our animal-friends and doing what we love to do. I just don't understand people who say they have nothing to do when they are "stuck" at home.
And Jackson has been good for you - not replacing Rosie, as that could never be, but the richness he adds to your life shows.
What a wonderful place! All the beautiful flowering trees and bulbs and now lambs too! Does it get any better?
I'm swooning over your luscious fleece colors!
Absolutely lovely! Ben sends his love to Jackson!
What a beautiful home you have, thank you for showing us around. I am the same, I would rather be home than anywhere else, I think we are the lucky ones.
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