We are back and I am practically
giddy with anticipation over sleeping in my own comfy bed tonight instead of on a summer camp bunk in a sleeping bag! But I did get in a lot of quality spindling and knitting time while visiting with and listening to the group from our church, and even had time to read some from both the books I took (having two "WIP" books is something so rare for me that I might need intervention!). Above: the Oregon vest, now into its second skein; plying merino/silk on the left spindle, and spinning polworth on the right spindle.
This evening while Brian and Rick watched the second half of the Super Bowl, I went down to check on all the animals and chickens and see if riding was do-able with my sore ribs. The verdict: grooming, tacking up, walking and rising trot are tolerable; canter is not. Rick thinks I may have cracked a rib, but that's simply too inconvenient a possibility. Russell and I are supposed to compete in a dressage show in four weeks, for goodness sake!
That's it for now from . . .
Good luck riding. That sounds so painful! I am thinking you need to see a massage therapist. It sure helped me when I dislocated three ribs a couple of summers ago. (my horse decided there was goblin ahead of us and I did not see it! landed in the gravel.)
Hope you heal fast!
I wonder if it would help if you wrapped your torso nice and snug ~ like with an ace bandage? I can't imagine trotting with a cracked rib. Even if you DO post!
Be careful, young lady!
Perhaps you need a visit to the doc and an x-ray . . . Hope you are better soon.
Nah; they can't do anything for a cracked rib. I may have Rick ultrasound it, though, just so I know how long to expect it to take to heal. I must say it was MUCH more comfortable in my own bed last night, and therefore less uncomfortable this morning when I got up!
Nice to have an in-house vet, oops, Dr....grin
I'll be cheering you on in your preparation for the dressage show. Dressage is my all time favorite equine events to watch. Gives me goose bumps every single time I see a horse and rider performing at level 4! Kudos on the vest too, you are making me look bad accomplishing so much while nursing injuries.
Hope you feel better soon - cracked ribs are AWFUL. Take it as easy as you can - four weeks might be long enough to be 'back to normal' depending upon how bad it is. There's a great article on wrapping them here (http://www.ehow.com/how_2302404_tape-cracked-ribs.html), which might be helpful for your show, but definitely not a long-term solution. Get well soon!
I've cracked ribs, and it's no fun (went over backwards on my arab and he landed on me - my fault). In 4 weeks, you might be close enough to ok to be able to pull it off, especially if you tape them.
Vest looks good, but, um, it's white... I could help you with that!
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