Recently my cell phone's contract came up for renewal (it is a secondary line on my husband's business account). Two of the free phone upgrade options were "smart phones," which appealed to me for their ability to connect to the web. We don't travel often, but when we do I often take my laptop. Sometimes it's because I have to be able to work on clients' jobs, and sometimes it's just because I don't want to have to play catch-up on all the emails (and blogs) when I get home. With a smart phone, I wouldn't need to risk my laptop for that second function. Plus, "everyone" has one and "everyone" seems to be having so much fun with theirs! But after doing a little investigating I learned that smart phones require data pacs, and a data pac would add $10/month to our cell phone bill. That's not much, but when business is as slow as it's been for as long as it's been, any extra expense must be carefully weighed. Still, I could try one for free for two weeks - and return it without penalty if I didn't like it - so I figured, Why not?
It took me less than a week to decide that basic is better for me. The smart phone wasn't "hands-free" and "eyes-free" like my old phone, so I couldn't use it safely while driving. The touch screen was often frustrating (I suspect my fingers are too cold - AND too fat!). And although it was kinda nice to have email access, the phone kept loading old messages from up to two years ago - and recently started loading empty messages from - get this - 1969! (In case I have any younger readers who don't know this, there WAS no email in 1969.)
So I returned the smart phone and reactivated my old phone, because it still works just fine and doesn't cost me a dime extra, thankyouverymuch. Besides, who needs all those apps when you have animals, books, and fiber to fill your free time?
That's it for now from . . .

Basic is always better. I was a telecommunications analyst in my former life and I don't even know how to use a smart phone. I even have an old rotary phone at home and you know what? It ALWAYS works. I can't say the same for any modern phone I've seen.
You know, I feel the same way, Michelle. I have cut way back on computer time as I found it was akin to a Black Hole. When you sit to "dink around" looking at this or that, hours seem to go by...really fast. I am even cutting way back, if not all together, on FB as well. It's too easy to just put a quick note on it, then waste time seeing what everyone is doing.
Nope. I'd rather spend time with the sheep, spinning, weaving, knitting....well, you get the idea.
Maybe it's time we all take a step backwards.
LOL, now I do like upgrades on some things, if you're going to go high tech, go high tech, but I agree on the phone thing. You need to dial out, receive and do it all easily. I mean really, it's a phone. I still miss my old rotary dial wall phone in the kitchen with the hand piece large enough to hold with your cheek and shoulder while you cook, but I do like having access on the road with a break down or the ability to get DH before he leaves town for a much needed item. In many respects technology has allowed us the time to gripe about it. ;)
I'm still on the fence on the smart phone thing... There are still some functions that would make life a little easier and combine things (I don't think I would use it much for email)... Since my laptop is basically dead I am still considering the smart phone functions as a replacement for the laptop... I know I need a new phone (the reception needs improvement and the buttons are starting to wear out)...
Of course the cost is the big thing around here... DH says if I can come up with the extra money I can have it... hmmmm....
Exactly....personally I think the smart phones, while nice and I'm sure very useful, are just another time waster...and another way to disconnect with the real people around you. I love my cell phone because I'm on the road allot, and it's a comfort. But I use it seldom and have a simple tracfone with minimum minutes (which I never use up). I also haven't dared to get sucked into Facebook yet, as with the blogs, emails and other internet goodies I spend way too much time on the computer as is. Glad to see there are a few others that aren't packing the smart phones!
I think they call them "smart phones" to make us all feel better about purchasing them and using them...but we should have known better. Anything that my teen wants, I should avoid at all costs...
Heck ~ I don't even have a cell phone! There's no reception in my valley and I have to have a land-line for Internet access anyway. I can't afford two phones so the land line it shall be. Besides which, I can't even SEE the buttons on the teeny-tiny trinkets that the new cell phones are!
I'm thinking this through myself now that Verizon is carrying the iPhone. However, my "swiss army" phone (which is actually used by our military I found out) is probably best for me. I've dunked it in water 3x and ran over it with Gilbert, our I don't know how many thousand pounds zero turn mower, and it's still working just fine thank you very much. I will probably *try* the iPhone, but am not holding much stock in signing up.
Good call,Michelle! (pun intended) I believe we thrive best in simplicity.
I totally agree! What the heck is a smart phone supposed to do anyway? And like another commenter mentioned, how good can it possibly be if you can't see the dadgummed thing? Tiny buttons, tiny screens...not to mention all those people walking around staring at their "devices". I feel positively giddy just to be able to reach out and "touch" someone when I'm out and about - that's good enough for me! Like my dad used to say, "if it's got lots of bells and whistles, that's just more stuff to break". Words of wisdom, I think.
I'm afraid we crossed over to the other side a couple of years ago. My smart phone is old technology and I can't wait to upgrade in June. I love having connectivity when I'm on the road and an hour from home. Text and email is how I stay in touch with my kids and it's worth every penny. Sorry to be the sore thumb here.
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