These are the same croci shown in yesterday's post, poor little things!

Yesterday at times it snowed like crazy, but the air temp was warm enough that most of what we had and the additional snow that fell melted. But it got colder last night, so we awoke to more. Not as much as originally forecast, and a paltry dusting by many standards, but it shore is purty!

(That's my bed of daffodils.)

I took these on my way down to do chores this cloudy morning, which is why they are so "blue." Since then the sun has broken through, bouncing brilliantly off the white surfaces and melting some of it.

I opened the pop door of the henhouse and was surprised when the new girls hustled out into their white yard. None of the older girls care for snow, thankyouverymuch. Oh, and yesterday was
another two-egg day; Brian's favorite hen (Morgan) did it again!
Brian's science class in Newberg was cancelled, and the friend who takes a weekly dressage lesson from me also cancelled. Then Brian decided to ride with his dad (I figured he'd want to play in the snow), so I am home alone going great guns getting various obligations checked off my list. I might even find time to work on my latest spinning project:

This is some fiery superwash merino I bought from my friend Adrienne's destash sale. I'm spinning it very fine in hopes of making a 3- or 4-ply sock yarn, so it will take me awhile.
That's it for now from . . .
It is pretty, but I am SO over snow by now! Lovely color, that firey merino. That will make one hot pair of socks!
I'll bet my lazy, egg-hiding chickens slept in, too. Since I leave before they leave their roosts, I don't really know, but past experience should tell, I think!
Glad you're having a good, productive Alone time!
Susan, I may make a shawl out of it; I bought Rosemary Hill's "7 Small Shawl" ebook, and they all use sock yarn. I'm getting ready to start my first with some commercial sock yarn.
Isn't this weather kooky? We woke up to about 5" of snow this morning and now the sun is out and it's literally POURING down from the trees. (I hate this part!!!!) They keep saying more is on the way - we'll see about that. Tonight's low is supposed to be 15!
Your brown and white speckled hens look covered in snow! :-)
Is that bobbin as big as it looks?! You are going to fill two of those????? Yikes.
Yes, Sharon, that bobbin IS as big as it looks! But I only have so much roving (I think it's four ounces). I plan to put it all on one bobbin and then wind it onto four plying bobbins to ply from; either that or wind two equal-weight center-pull balls and try to four-ply from both of them at the same time. (Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment. ;-)
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