You might think me an old fuddy-duddy for all the indoor activities I'm assembling for our "family snow camp" adventure, but I have my reasons. #1 - it doesn't sound like the snow is going to be much fun; mostly slushy yuck. #2 - last night while going over chores with the person who will be doing them for us while we are gone, I tripped over the blade attached to the tractor and crashed into the hitch, badly bruising my ribs, shin and both arms. The miracle is that I didn't hit my head; I think my guardian angel protected me! I remember thinking as I went down that I was going to do a face-plant into the back end of the tractor or the three-point hitch, and I still can't figure out how I managed to land and get the bruises I sustained and NOT hit my head or face on anything. At any rate, I'm pretty sore and bouncing down a hill on an inner tube would be torture.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. February is going to be a flurry of extra activity here. The henhouse has to be stripped and rebedded; pullets need to have their wings clipped and be moved into the henhouse; the sheep fold (especially the pullet corner!) needs to be stripped and readied for lambing; fleece samples need to be taken before shearing on the 15th, then fleeces will need to be skirted; Russell and I need to keep working so we won't embarrass ourselves at our first show in two years - all while keeping up with homeschool, home business, home-making, etc.
That's it for now from . . .

Michelle, I am so glad you are okay! My goodness, that was quite a lucky fall (sort of). It sounds as if you have your hands full for quite a while. In February here, I am just dreaming of stripping out the coop! Take care and have fun - can't wait to see that vest done!!
Ouch! Glad your fall wasn't worse than it was. And you're right, slush doesn't sound like much fun!
Oh my! Glad you seem to fall as well as I do (grin...). Also glad you came up with a quiet, sedentary activity for your camp.
I'll update you when you get back on the new doin's at my place...
Ouch! That was a lucky fall all things considered. MY favorite thing to do is trip on the pallets that hold the hay. They are fine when full, but there is always that corner that sticks out when you've fed the hay off of it.
Have a great weekend knitting. That pattern is a classic.
Michelle! If you didn't want to go snow-tubing you just should have said so! It should not be necessary for you to have to throw yourself onto dangerous pieces of equipment and sustain painful injuries just because you'd rather stay in and knit.
Glad you're not hurt worse! Between you and Christine, I'm getting worried about you young gals...
Michelle, for goodness sake, be careful! Lovely vest! I hope to see it done, done!
Theresa, those pallet corners are just out to get us, eh?
Oh, I just love the Oregon vest. I have a dark brown handspun one that I wear all the time. Keep meaning to make more in all kinds of different colors. It's a wonderfully useful wardrobe item!
Ack!! Sorry about your fall! Glad it wasn't worse. The vest will be great!
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