I'm also looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with a couple good friends while I have the chance. Homeschooling moms don't have many opportunities to enjoy their girlfriends without kids in tow. Some women seem to be able to tune out their kids and visit, but my brain doesn't work that way. When Brian is around, I am in full-on "mother mode," and there is no circumventing it. It will be nice to lay that role aside for a week!
I started this post before Russell's grim diagnosis, so had to alter what I am looking forward to doing while my guys are away. I just want to say that being able to share my heartaches as well as my joys here, and having faithful blogpals who respond to both, means more to me than I know how to describe. Thank-you so much for your visits and comments; they feed my soul!
One last thing. Morgan DID lay an egg yesterday! It was a special little gift at just the right time. :-)
That's it for now from . . .

I am so very sorry about Russell's diagnosis - wish I was closer . . .
Did I miss something? What prognosis? I knew he was lame, but what is wrong?
Poor Russell (and you too)
Prayers coming your way Michelle
Kelly, go back to yesterday's post and follow the link to my dressage blog for all the details on Russell's injury.
Michelle, You KNOW everyone is pulling for Russell to make it through this to lead at least a pain free life, if not 100% sound. Fingers and toes crossed and lost of prayers heading to your barn for the long haul recovery. At least you know he's going to get talented care and support which not many of us could offer. He might surprise you too. Horses have amazing healing powers and so does love. Big hugs, best wishes and maybe you two just need to find a slower dance for the future. Enjoy your week of freedom, such as it is with a farm to run!
Yay for Morgan! I hope we can find some time to do knitting stuff while the guys are away...
Hurray - so, it WAS a 2-egg day! Egg presents are the *best*!! :-)
I hope you have a wonderful solo-time and have the opportunity to do exactly what you want to do.
Has the kooky weather hit you yet? We had a bit of snow yesterday morning and woke up to over 2" of it today. Frantic news reports are still saying the big storm is coming tonight..... we shall see. :-)
Stay warm.
Thanks, everyone, for your good wishes for Russell. Rick treated him last night with ESWT, which should help the ligament if not the bone chip.
Laura, you may have to come up here if any of my ewes look imminent!
Danni, yes, egg presents are wonderful! We woke to a dusting, maybe an inch. It snowed off and on, sometimes heavily, during the day, but the temps warmed enough that most of it melted. It will be interesting to see if we get more tonight!
Oh, I hope you have a wonderful week! Get together with friends, spin, knit, create and spend some time with your magnificent horse. I bet a good brushing would be good for both of you...
Genealogy research! Now that's what I call fun. Oh for the time to do more of that research!
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