...do flock together!
All three of our Easter Eggers together in the henhouse; a continuum of color from white/gold to blue/gold.

Yesterday Brian and I cleaned out the chicken coop. Last night after Rick and I did chores, we clipped a wing on each of our six pullets and popped them into the coop, where the five older hens were already on the roosts. So far this morning there has been a minimum of squabbling; only Lucy shows any inclination to hen-peck and there are so many new ones to "put in their place" that none of them are getting too much individual grief from her. It IS interesting to see how the two new Easter-Eggers and the four Speckled Sussex tend to flock together!

This morning I finished spinning the sample on my olivewood Aegean. The two photos show some of the variations of color within the sample. Everything about spindling is attractive to me - the beautiful woods, handling the fiber, watching the slow kaleidoscope of a carefully-wrapped cop, the portability, the resulting yarn. And it's something I can do while sitting next to Brian and helping him with his schoolwork. I can also knit while assisting him. I've just come to the end of the second skein in my Oregon vest; I need to measure it to see how much farther to go before the armholes.
As for my ribs, they are feeling MUCH better!
That's it for now from . . .
Your chickens are beautiful. After you posted this, I thought about it and realize that my Barred Rocks and Black Stars hang out together, the Americaunas tend to separate into a couple different groups and my poor lil' polish is all by herself. That can't be a coincidence!
My Ameracaunas flock together too. I do love that silvery blue one!
I have experienced the same type of breed specific flocking in my coop too. I have approx. 50 chickens and the little D'Uccle bantams are all together, the standard cochins roost next to one another, the Americana's split into a couple groups and the production hens just scatter themselves around with everyone.
Lovely spindle & fiber!!
Gorgeous spinning and beautiful color. Lovely.
Your speckled sussex are so pretty! Glad to hear they are getting along...chickens can be so nasty sometimes. I am always in awe of your spinning on your spindles. Beautiful!
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