That probably drove away everyone who is currently surrounded by white. If you're still reading (and know me in "real life"), you'll get a chuckle out of this - someone thinks I have style!

Here is what I am supposed to do as a stylish blogger:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
So here are seven things about me
• I never rearrange furniture. When I move into a space, I figure out the very best way to arrange what we have; why mess with it?
• I took piano, clarinet and accordian lessons as a child and teen. I still have a piano and an accordian, plus a mountain dulcimer. I can play none of them well.
• The first paying job I remember was ironing shirts for a neighbor.
• My car is almost always tuned to public radio; I rarely listen to radio anywhere else.
• I really like the TV series "Monk." I flatter myself that I have similar powers of observation and deduction, without the extreme OC behavior. Hee!
• That said, the only TV I watch on a regular basis is the local nightly news.
• I'm athletic and highly competitive; yes, even in my middle age.
I haven't recently discovered 15 blogs, so I am just going to list some blogs I think are deserving of this award, and why.
@ Romi's Studio - this knitting designer creates amazing things in yarn and metal; in other words, she is truly stylin'!
Antiquity Oaks - Striving for self-sufficiency is always in style, in my opinion, and Deborah is an excellent evangelist.
Camp Runamuck - Theresa is always creating something, whether it be beautiful spaces in her home, sewing her own clothes, weaving, spinning, or knitting.
Country Girl at Heart - Deb definitely has a sense of style, and finds such wonderful pieces at auctions to decorate her space. She's also an ambitious homesteader, growing her own food and fiber - even though she lives in a condo!
Crosswinds Farm - Corinne's animals may not appreciate her sense of style, but it sure is entertaining for the rest of us!
Front Porch Indiana - Beautiful old home, beautiful animals, beautiful blog.
Miss Effie's Diary - Miss Effie is the queen of shabby chic style and creative entrepreneurship - plus she has one of the most giving hearts I know.
Misses Peach's Meowz - I don't think there could possibly be a prettier blog or cozy cottage than those maintained by Karla and her very special feline(s).
Punkin's Patch - The crazysheeplady is amazing with paintbrush, camera and fiber!
sheep dreams - Dianne is another crafty Kentuckian I admire - goodness, that makes three Kentucky blogs on my list; four, if you count the person who gave me the award! Sounds like Kentucky deserves a "stylin' state" award! (Does that make up for only awarding ten blogs?)
That's it for now from . . .

Arrrrgh! Pure torture, Michelle~!
I took accordian lessons too. Mine was marbled white with baby blue bellows and my name down the front in rhinestones. I no longer have it - it wouldn't fit in the volkswagon when I left home.
Congrats on the award. I love reading your blog and you defintly deserve it. I just posted pics of crocus pooping up in our yard the other day.
Congrats on your award~! that is tiggeriffic~!
OHHH I love to see the spring flowers just peeping out of the ground.. TOOOO early for such going ons here in Iowa. It's -4 right now and man oh man it's freezing outside..~!
That's O.K. I will appreciate spring when it finally comes..
Have a tiggeriffic day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)
It's just mean of you to be publishing these growing things when I'm still under nearly two feet of snow. Snow which is not even melting a little because it's SO COLD here :-D
Thank you Michelle! How nice of you to think of me. Stylish eh? ;)
Love the flowers, you guys really do get a much earlier spring, but our weather this year...we might be right behind you.
Yay, you are a stylish blogger! Interesting how the rules you got are different from the ones I got. I had to list 10 thing but only one blog! I found it interesting that you don't arrange furniture! Gosh, I'm rearranging it all the time, in my mind at least. :)
oh gee...
it was -28 degrees today without windchill. no day above 32 degrees since december 2nd.
not one.
Thanks for putting me in there with all that great company! I'd really like to see some more snow, but if not, I guess I'll take some stupid ole flowers ;-).
I want to learn to play the bagpipes. Accordion sounds fun.
Thanks so much for the compliment! I'm honored.Really? You don't rearrange furniture?My husband hates it, but I love to shake things up once in a while. Cold, cold single digits here, but weatherman is predicting up to 60's next week (not sure I believe him). If we could skip the muddy parts, I'd be totally ready for spring.
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