Being in an especially pushed-for-time frame of mind, that really sat me on my haunches. Intellectually I know it's true, but it rarely FEELS like it. I could go on and on here, but I think I will take that teabag wisdom to heart to ponder and pray over.
Before finishing this post, I got an email from friend Kathy saying she had been nominated for - and in turn nominated me (among others) - for an award:

Thanks, Kathy! It's nice to know someone thinks my blog is worth reading; it's certainly one of the things I enjoy doing with my time. In turn (because that's how it works, I'm told), I am to nominate ten blogs. I enjoy many, but hopefully among the following you will find a new place or two to explore:
A Sheep in Wool's Clothing - another spinner and knitter who loves old barns
Antiquity Oaks - on homesteading and accountable agriculture
Boston Lake Farm - fellow Shetland shepherd Sabrina says, "I have never wanted to live anywhere else" - and I think that's pretty neat!
Counting Sheep - Carol is often thought-provoking on many topics
Dances With Wool - an amazing knitting designer/fiber artist who lives in Finland
Pinewood Shetlands - I appreciate the inspirational thoughts and Bible verses
Pretending to Farm - Lauren regularly makes me laugh - and sometimes blush!
Sittin' n' Spinnin' - we have horses and sheep and spinning and dogs and kids in common...
The Three Ring Ranch - Allena has LOTS more kids than me and still keeps her sanity and her sense of humor!
Word . . . from Willow Garden - a jolly Canadian shepherd showcases his beautiful sheep and cute new grandbabies
That's it for now at . . .

Hi Michelle - stop by my blog. I have something for you to pick up.
I've just been following links from Sharon's blog and wanted to congratulate you on your award. Then I noticed the links in your sidebar and started clicking away. The Shetland Sheep Information one is great! In working with some of the lovely Shetland colors lately, I've wished for more than a description only about them, (which is all I'd been able to find so far). The photos of the various colors on that site are just what I've been looking for!
Well, thank you milady. I am honored!
There are so many people to choose from with these things...Bill's is one I love as well as Sharon's and "sittin' 'n spinnin''s". Great choices!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Michelle for nominating me. I feel better knowing someone finds the blather I write interesting lol.
Your blog is cool too, too bad I can't nominate you back :(
Michelle, this is so great! Congratulations :-) I always enjoy reading your blog!
Thank you Michelle! It is nice to know someone is enjoying it. I often wish I could meet some of the folks whose blogs I enjoy..including you. But blogs are a great way to "meet" those I would otherwise never have "met". Thanks!
Oh GREAT...you used half the people I was going to nominate!
A well deserved award, my friend...
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