Some cats occasionally visit my blog and they probably wonder why Oreo is rarely seen here. Well, Oreo is a camera-shy cat. She never poses, and hardly ever stands still. I've been wanting to get a photo of her and Jackson together to show their disparity in size, but haven't had any luck yet. When we first got Jackson, he and Oreo were about the same size, or at least the same height. Now Jackson towers over her, and at 35 pounds, greatly outweighs her. Still, they are on friendly terms and nuzzle a bit every morning when we first get to the barn. Then Jackson will do something rude like plant a big paw on her and away she goes. Here she is after escaping from the big galoot, looking down on him from a shelf in the barn.

This morning I put a halter on Braveheart to take him to pasture with the girls. Lately he's been taking his own sweet time to wander through the gate; often I've had to grab him and bodily escort him to where he needs to go. After yesterday's incident, I figured a halter would be a safer method of getting him from point A to point B. Besides, I hope to show him at Black Sheep Gathering in June so the leading practice doesn't hurt. After turning him loose to eat his bit of grain with the girls, I had to stop and admire the view. I couldn't ask for a nicer hind leg set or more perfect tail!

That's it for now at . . .

I'm glad to hear that Oreo is doing OK...haven't heard much about her for a while.
Everyone, even Skit, went into the barn today. We've had terrible winds and ice pellet/snow, which really stings when it hits you in the face.
That Jackson is a beautiful dog, makes me wish I had one like him!
Jackson is starting to look lanky! It is so fun watching a pup grow, he is going to be a beautiful dog! Well, he is already a cute pup, cant go wrong there :)
I had hoped to meet you at BSG this year, but the date for the Virginia City Fiber Retreat is the same week, and I love going to that even more than I love BSG, if that tells you anything. I met Mary Beth Bullington at OFFF - I figure I'll meet the Shetland people, one fiber event at a time.
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