About his desire to play with sheep, my dear friend and mentor Lois said, "It sounds as though Jackson might be interested in being a herding dog. If you think that you might ultimately want that, I would distract him from playing with the sheep - if you can. Don't tell him "no," however; that would discourage him.... In my experience, herding types are a clean slate, written on with indelible ink!" So now when we turn the sheep out, I make sure Jackson is on a retractable lead so I can keep him near me.
That phrase, "a clean slate, written on with indelible ink," has stayed with me. It has changed some of my interactions with Jackson, as I don't want to tolerate certain behaviors now if I can't fix them later. What about us humans? Aren't we all written on with indelible ink? Everything we experience has a permanent impact on us. Not that those experiences have to control how we think or act, but they do have an impact. Lots of food for thought there regarding how I treat others, who I choose to spend my time with, what I choose to view in print and on the screen, even what I eat or choose to think about....

That's it for now at . . .

I dont think we are as 'indelible' as dogs are; for the simple fact that we have the power to reason while using logic. But it is food for thought...
I read an author who said we are like a computer disc. Once we've been used, we'll never be that fresh disc again, but we can be reformatted.
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