We're also experiencing a different kind of fluff around here. Lately I've noticed dust bunnies lurking here and there. Since they all had a greenish tinge, I assumed they were the detritus of one of Jackson's favorite toys, a great green mop of a thing that he likes to worry and shake and fling around the room.

However, when petting Jackson today I noticed some loose fuzz. Having bought a Furminator for just this possibility, I decided to give it a try. Hmm, it would appear that those would be "Jackson bunnies" rolling around the house! (Note: I decided to get a Furminator when several on the Yahoo Spinning List gave the product rave reviews. They are obscenely expensive at retail establishments, but you can get new-in-package ones on eBay MUCH more reasonably.)

That's it for now at Spinaholics Anonymous - uh, I mean . . .

I have never heard of a Furminator but I think I need one - thanks for the suggestion. Off I go on the hunt~
I think I've seen them at Pet Smart, and I need one for Beamer. And yes! Aussie fur is very spinnable!
Welcome to the world of spinners! We all look at htings a bit differently than other people. Have you been holding a cotton ball looking at it and wondering? :)
Collie scarves next then?
I met a lady last year who spins collie hair. She had made beautiful soft and very fine shawls. I've been collecting Fox's hair for her but seem to have miss placed her card :o(
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