With part of our New Year's dinner made and in the frig, part of it in the freezer, part of it (the requisite black-eyed peas) in cans, and the entree yet to make, I thought I'd take a moment to share a photo of the Christmas dinner table in Spokane. Our table today won't look near as grand, but the most important part of both occasions is the family we got/get to share them with. We've had a LOT of "getting together" with family and friends in the last two months, for which we are very thankful.
I took lots of other Christmasy photos, but just realized I inadvertently erased them from my camera's memory card before I saved them onto my computer. Oh well, at least MY "memory card" still functions! I do have photos of a special excursion we took while in Spokane; I will share those soon.
Early tomorrow, Rick's folks leave for home, officially closing our Christmas holidays. I need to write thank-you notes, pack up the tree ornaments and other decorations, and take down the Christmas cards from their place on the mirrored closet door.

The little trees above the front door stay there; I just don't turn on their Christmas lights the rest of the year. Originally I had big plans to change their decorations for every holiday throughout the year (hearts for Valentine's Day, shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day, etc.), but that hasn't happened. And you know what? That's just fine. I LIKE the natural look, and I'm not into buying and storing a bunch more stuff, er, decorations. I'll leave that for you Martha Stewart types. :-)
That's it for now from . . .
Happy New Year Michelle!
Wow! Having been gone I had some catching up to do! No (or very slow) computer access is the pits! Great pictures, love the piranha pup :)
Happy New Year!
Great decorations, Michelle! And Happy New Year!
Don't be fooled - Martha Stewart isn't a type - she's a committee. Your decorations are wonderful. The best part of these holidays is our families, and also the hardest. We just got back from SoCal with Ian's family. This is my SIL's third Christmas as a widow - there are so many ghosts.
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