Yesterday I read about the "Pay It Forward Exchange" on the blog Knit and Run. Giving and receiving little presents is so much fun; why wouldn't I want to join?
The "Pay It Forward Exchange" is based on the concept of the movie Pay it Forward, where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just in hopes that the recipients of the acts of kindness will also pass kindness on. (Although I haven't seen the movie, I must say that ever since I got Shetlands and started blogging, LOTS of wonderful people have been "paying it forward" to me. My cup runneth over!)
So here’s how it works. I will make and send handmade gifts to the first three people who leave a comment saying they want to join this PIF exchange. (I have no idea what to make; I'm thinking of letting people choose between edible, wearable - think small; I'm a slow knitter! - or useable.) I promise to send your gift within two months. What YOU have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. I will ship to anywhere in the country, but you'll have to email me (there's a link over there on the right) your snail mail address.
Have a great day and Pay It Forward!

I would love to be a part of 'Pay if Forward', but I dont make things out of my yarn normally, I just make yarn :)
I did want to comment thought that Pay It Forward was one of the saddest movies I have ever seen.
I would classify yarn as "homemade"! It's one of the things I was thinking of as a gift, actually (for the right person)....
Well, I'm here, and intrigued. I love the blog; not sure whether I can wear wool; not sure I would EVER get around to sending something off via snail mail. I try to live PIF every day, and many good things come my way, all the time.
I didn't see the movie but I heard about the act of Paying it Forward on another blog and was so impressed that I did it myself. On Christmas Eve day, I went through the drive up at Burger King. I noticed that the car behind me had a woman and small child in it. When I got to the window to pick up my order, I asked the attendant if she could tell me the total for the woman's order. It was about $4.00. I said that I wanted to pay for it. The attendant looked at me like I was nuts. I explained that I did not know the lady but had heard of the act of paying it forward and thought it was neat. I asked the attendant to tell the driver of the next car that I didn't know her but wished her a Merry Christmas and hoped that she would pass on the good will. I pulled away from that drive up window feeling SO good! What a wonderful feeling ~ knowing that I had surprised someone with a small gift that was totally unexpected and required absolutely nothing in return. I will do it again...
Well, Becky of "Sittin'n'Spinnin'" is in on this, and I THINK TigerEyeSal is, too. Anyone else willing to "pay it forward," and have me to send them something homemade? Nancy?
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