Below are my last FOs of 2007 finished during our Washington trip (they count even if the ends still need weaving in, right?) and my first work in progress (WIP) for 2008, started last night and NOT FROGGED ONCE - a milestone for me! - all for gifting. From top: a shawl out of Tammy's homespun; a wild and crazy scarf and a basketweave scarf, both out of Lion Brand yarns from my stash. I haven't committed to spinning and knitting only from my stash in 2008, but I am making a concerted effort in that direction.

I have so much to be thankful for; this time of year is a good reminder to reflect on those things - including YOU! I don't make resolutions, but I do pray that God will help me be more like Him, to grow the fruit of His Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance - hmm, I see myself sorely lacking in some of those traits!), to have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8, one of my favorite passages). That's a prayer He will answer, if I will only let Him.
Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks for all you have added to my life in the past year, and may God bless you real good in 2008!
That's it for now (but more holiday recapping to come) at . . .

Happy New Year to you too, Michelle! You've inspired me...I think I'll do some spinning and knitting today!
He's growing so fast!
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