...I got all my sisters with me!
Yep, all the ewes went out on pasture together today for the first time. Sarai and Marta flocked right up, in spite of "mean girl" Bramble (she's the primary reason Marta and Sarai get the corner suite at night).

None of the sheep seem to notice Marta's extra appendage, created in an effort to make her too-big coat fit better. I could paint it white and call her Marta Cottontail!
Inky is doing better. She looked so tough yesterday morning that I gave her a dose of Banamine paste along with a bit of GastroGard to protect her tummy (both left over from Russell's injury). Last night at chore time she acted almost spry, and this morning she was still looking better than usual. Hurray for better living through modern pharmacology!

The Tour de France/Fleece ends Sunday. I'm still plying my spindle-spun Inky singles, but I've already finished my goal for Teams Footloose and Corgi by spinning and plying the purple 70/30 merino/silk (lovely stuff!). So I decided to challenge myself and tackle one of the two colors of 50/50 camel/silk I got from Corgi Hill Farm with the miniSpinner. I'll either feel very victorious by the finish line, or crash and burn!
That's it for today from . . .
You'll be victorious. I know you will :-).
So you have 6 ewes and 2 rams? I always have a terrible time keeping it all straight with the comings and goings. At breeding time will you breed 4 of them? (one girl too old and one too young?)
I hope you are happy Michelle......being teased with those wonderful Ewenice mugs 2 days in a row has forced to me purchase one of my own.
We forgot to do long draw!!! That's the best way to do camel and camelid blends. Don't be afraid - you can do it!
I'm glad to hear Inky seems to be feeling better!
I'm not the spinning speed demon you are, Sara!
You're almost correct, Deb. Your ewe count is right, but I have, um, THREE rams (sing along now; "two girls for every boy"!), plus a wether and a soon-to-be wether. Both lambs ARE for sale.
Kelly, I hope you love yours as much as I do mine!
Oh well, Laura; I'll muddle through. I'm rushing through it so it's not going to be my best spinning in any case, but all yarn is useable, right?
Thanks, Shelly; I am, too. She got another little dose of Banamine tonight....
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