The word describes our weather and my mood. Since I
PREFER our cool, cloudy weather over the oven-like atmosphere covering the rest of the country, I don't think that's contributing to my mood. Part of it is the burden I feel for the many people I know who are dealing with health crises. But moods are fickle things, not worth dwelling on, so let's not!

Yesterday Marta, Cadbury and Inky got sheared. I always look forward to the chance to get a good look at structure and condition - and then cover those freshly sheared fleeces for a clean harvest next year! My new gulmogets are quite small but correct and in good flesh; Inky was thin as expected. After shearing I trimmed hooves (Cadbury, Browning and Bart), then shuffled sheep to where they will remain for the rest of the summer. Browning, who was being a bully to Bart (and pushes the girls around sometimes) was put out with the big rams - where he immediately started trying to bully Blake! Marta and Sarai were moved to the corner pen of the ewes' fold, so they could get acquainted without harm, and Bart was put in the Ram-ada Inn where the new girls had been, next to Cadbury. Bart still needs to be wethered (the cobbler's children have no shoes), but at least he's
weaned now.
Theresa Gygi has a most excellent post on Shetland sheep, their heritage and characteristics on her blog today.
Check it out, and be sure to follow the link to the article from 1900! After reading this I feel even better about where my breeding flock is right now, bolstered by my three newest sheep with their wonderfully fine, soft, crimpy fleeces.

The resident barn swallows are raising four future fly-catchers. I feared they would run afoul (afeline?) of Oreo when they start to fledge, so last night I moved Oreo to the tack room for a few days to give the fledglings a better chance at surviving first flight. I hope the parents are able to forage enough food during this cool spell to keep their chicks fat!

Yesterday I started plying my Inky singles, using my beautiful tulip Jenkins Swan spindle for the first time. I got the mugs in Kentucky when we visited
Sara a couple years ago (they are available
here); they make perfect yarn bowls to hold my balls of singles.

Speaking of Inky, she looked pretty tough this morning. I'm not sure why; my shearer was kind and did what he could with her standing (I got the rest with scissors). Getting old is not for sissies, nor is it a picnic for those of us who love them.
That's it for today from . . .
I simply adore those sheep mugs!!! And your shots of Inky made me cry all over again...Why do they have to get old?
BTW-cute little cobbler/vet poke.
Kelly, I just added a hot link to the potter's website, should you decide you HAVE to have some! ;-)
Awesome, I think I just might have to HAVE some. lol Thanks
Tonya does incredible pottery! I also have a mug from her and it is my favorite.
Inky looks like she should have slept in this morning. Maybe she needs some extra TLC; us old ladies always appreciate that!
Sheila, I fed her grain out of my hand while she was still laying down this morning; does that count? ;-)
Marta and especially Cadbury are looking good! I really feel for Inky - I feel like that after shearing my own sheep!
Inky looks very tired - of life, shearing, eating, standing - just everything. There are times that I feel the same!!
I hope Inky is back to feeling a bit more spry by now.
The cool weather has been nice though, what a different sort of summer all together.
Thanks for sharing my link, I got an order yesterday from Kelly :) She said you were a great salesperson! Thanks!
and p.s. I hope Inky is feeling better. Poor girl.
You're most welcome, Tonya; I love my sheepie mugs! (And got better photos of them in later posts....)
Inky is doing better with the help of modern pharmacology. (-;
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