They weren't too sure about the "stranger" at first (click to biggify):

Eventually they came to the barn with the enticement of corn, and I got to feed them goodies. Banjo and Bodhran were by far the friendliest; Banjo still has the most adorable face and Bodhran reminds me so much of his dam Inky.

When Jeannie showed me their kennel-turned-mostly-sheep-fold (they raised and showed American Water Spaniels for years), all the sheep followed us in to the clean and tidy "people" space:

Don't tell the B boys, but I wasn't there just to see them. Jeannie is an accomplished quilter, and had offered to help me get started on my appliqued quilt wall hangings. Remember the prize I offered for my lambing contest? The one that Ruth won waaay back in March? Um, yeah. Jeannie had helped me choose fabrics awhile back, but I was still intimidated by my first quilting project ever. So she invited me down to work in her quilting studio, a beautiful, light-filled space filled with all the nifty tools of her craft (and Ted, her constant companion):

Never fear, I'm still spinning every day for the Tour de Fleece. Here was my progress at the end of day 12:

That's it for today from . . .

If I keep reading your blog until fall, I will HAVE to get out my cards and fleeces.
I think I like the one on the right... It matches my living room colors more. I'm excited, but you've got lots to keep you busy, so no rush.
Okay, I know they have coats to keep their fleeces clean, but do they wear them in the heat, too? They are such handsome boys!
I hope you do, Nellie!
You've got it, Ruth!
Yes, Mary Ann, they wear their coats ALL the time. (-:
Yeesh, I feel like a moron. No wonder I'm having trouble winding on my spindle. I've got it put together UPSIDE DOWN. Where on earth did I come up with that?!?
I find fiber is a comprehensive artistic expression. I will probably always spin and knit but I make room for weaving, which might be the equivalent of quilting for you. I do think they're important arts to express our nature - created in His likeness.
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