Thank-you for the unexpected photo opportunity!Today we got an unannounced break from the Oregon-winter-like weather we're forecast to have through next weekend. So while the rest of the flock was out on pasture, I took the opportunity to lead Brava and her son out for Blake's first gentle exposure to the wide, wide world:

He stuck close to mom at first, and Brava kept a sharp eye on him, too.

A stiff shot of milk helped bolster his courage to venture from mom's side:

Outstanding in his field. I know; groan. But I really do think this little guy shows great potential. Nice hindquarters, and such incredibly consistent fleece from end to end and top to bottom!

Finally brave enough to confront a stick!
Will this cutie have playmates soon?

From the size of Dinah's udder, I think so!
That's it for now from . . .
Your little guy looks to be at least a mioget Michelle. Very nice fellow.
He's sure a cutie and it looks like nice and healthy too! Hey you need to put a sidebar up of all those sheepie terms. I have no clue what a lot of them mean! ;)
He's Very Cute!!!
I am catching up on blog reading for the week and I am sorry to hear about the 2 lambs. Hope you find the answers and that the rest of lambing produces those polled lines for you! Nice little ram lamb:)
Goodwife, I'm happy to answer any and all questions to the best of my ability, so just ask!
Blake is a cutie. Sorry to hear about the 2 you lost. Sure hope the rest of the lambing goes smoothly for you
OK - how is it possible that he looks twice as big as he was yesterday7! :-D He's a handsome boy!
Blake is absolutely adorable! Please mail him to me for a cuddle and a snog immediately! :-)
Adrienne, it's because he's a sheep! They do grow incredibly fast....
Blake is a nice looking boy! You take OUTSTANDING photos!
Chelan, WA
Michelle, he is OUTSTANDING. Send him to me as soon as you are done with him! :)
He is a cutie Michelle, and there is definately something different about his fleece color. Either modified or Ag, but I've never seen an Ag look like that. Most moorits don't have that dramatic difference of body fleece versus leg color. At least they don't around here! ha..
Glad you got a peak of sunshine. New lambs here yesterday--a pair of BOYS!
I love it! Congratulations, Shepherdess. :)
Now would you have your girls tell my girls to get going? :)
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