There they were in the fold this morning, eating like little piggies, looking like they don't have a care in the world - or any buns in the oven!

"Uh-oh, she's starting to hover again."

"Put your heads back in the hay, quick! Ignore her and maybe she'll go away!"

Brava is a member of the itty-bitty-titty committee; she stayed high and tight last year, her first lambing, and it looks like that continues to be her style. Hard to believe that she is due - with twins - this weekend, isn't it?

Dinah has an udder, but is by no means "bagged up" yet. From my notes on last fall's calendar, I suspected Dinah was in heat the day Brava was bred (Oct. 30) and I held her for Blackberry to cover on Nov. 2. Then Braveheart broke out on Nov. 6, so if she doesn't lamb soon, there may be questions of paternity. :-(

Inky is bagged up the most, but I noted that she was in heat on Nov. 5, which could make her due last.
Brian has a friend over for a playdate today. I
thought the boys might have lambs to see, but they have plenty of other things to keep them busy. I'm off to bake peanut butter cookies for their afternoon treat.
That's it for now at . . .
Ahhh! The anticipation :)
It's enough to drive a person insane(r) isn't it? Definately wouldn't have guessed that Brava is due so soon! I did have an event here yesterday--pictures hopefully up on the blog tonight. All I can say is it's twins! ;-) (and the guilty party wasn't due until Friday or so...)
I often wonder it they think like the proverbial watch pot that never boils.....
Of course it could be they are all sychronizing their watches for say 2:30 on Sat morning....
Ummm cookies! And the potential for baby lambies...eventually. I'll be right over!
Isn't it frustrating? Wanna slip them something spicy in their grain...I hear that works for people lol. Maybe lambs over the weekend? Not sure they will oblige though.
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