Knit, spin, whoa.
I should have called this "Fuzzy Friday."
Since finishing my Olympic Knitting vest (which I've received many compliments on, even though it still needs blocking), I've had the urge to knit something else for me, like the Sophisticated Rustic Jacket or the Sunrise Circle Jacket (both patterns I downloaded when they were available from Knitting Daily). But I've been so overwhelmingly tired this week that I am barely slogging through the "must-do" list each day, never mind having time or energy for a hobby. Did the focus and effort required for an Olympic knitting effort really take that much out of me, or is it just that time of month? :-/
I feel like I have three compelling hobbies which must take turns in my life: knitting, spinning and riding, or more accurately, dressage. The first two are totally the Shetlands' fault - as is blogging, which I guess is a fourth compelling hobby. (Oh dear!) Knitting is portable and productive, and a good diversion when I have to wait somewhere. Spinning is a soothing solitary exercise except when I have committed to spinning FOR someone, like the white alpaca on my wheel now. Dressage I cannot do haphazardly, for a horse who is not kept fit is more prone to injuries and we've had enough of those even when Russell is in good working condition, thank-you very much!
It would be wonderful to spin a little and knit a little each day, and work my horse (and exercise myself) at least every other day. But somehow I just can't fit those things in that often around barn chores and house chores and landscaping/gardening chores and client jobs and being homeschool teacher and mom and wife and friend and daughter and sister. (May I say here, once again, that for the life of me I cannot relate to anyone who gets bored?)
Less time on the computer would probably help. I must get back to work. Thanks for letting me decompress for a few minutes.
That's it for now from . . .

Deep Breath...
I think you thrive on keeping yourself overly busy. Seems like some people's self-worth can be closely tied to how much they can accomplish in a day, or how many items can be checked off of their "to do" list. It is a good thing to be a productive individual and hobbies are wonderful...but, sometimes taking time for personal reflection and re-charging is essential for ones' well-being and their peace of mind. It is okay to slow down once in a while. :)
Was that your vest you were wearing the other day? If yes, it was beautiful!
It might be a personality thing, Lorie; I rarely enjoy being completely idle. I do slow down every week, laying all unnecessary tasks aside; that is what Sabbath is for and I NEED and appreciate that blessing. But the other part of the verse is "Six days shalt thou labor;" I guess I take that literally!
I hear you. Sigh.
"Less time on the computer would probably help." I've thought the same thing, not that I'm willing to spend less time on the computer. I just adjust other places.
Sometimes by the end of the day I just want to do nothing. I walk in the door and get an ice tea, turn on the computer, turn off my brain, and don't move until bedtime. Sigh.
I can sure relate. Anymore it seems like the 'necessary chores' are taking up all my time and there is no time for the little fun stuff. Oh least it's WARM out and the SUN is shinning, and all five ewes look like they are going to lamb (after an udder check). Surely spring has sprung!
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