Our washing machine is on the fritz and some friends wanted to meet us at the Evergreen Air and Space Museum for the IMAX Hubble 3D production (very good), so we all headed into town. My old washer and dryer (that wouldn't fit into the laundry room of our current house thanks to the contractor's screw-up) reside at Rick's clinic, so I did four loads of wash there in between the IMAX movie, stopping by the show my local dressage chapter is running this weekend to say "hi," and eating a late lunch. I fully expected to come home six hours later to lambs out of at least ONE ewe, if not more, but noooooo. Someone restrain me; I think I'm going to start squeezing sheep!
Wishing I had more news from . . .

Deep breaths... ;-) You've done everything you can. You even went away---the thing that ALWAYS brings on lambs. Maybe soon.....I hope for your sake. Mine seem to be spacing each lambing out to be about one week apart. Goons.
I went away for six hours yesterday, too, for church 'n' stuff! I'm beginning to think she didn't take on Oct. 30, although she doesn't look like she could hang on two more weeks....
LOL! Don't you hate waiting? Plus all the lost hours of sleep from getting up every hour to check on them.........silly inconsiderate mothers! I love my kids, but I'm glad kidding season is over for me this year!
Did you know that April is National Stress Awareness month? Just thought I'd help you out:)
Goodwife, I can't do the every hour checks and still function as a homeschooling mom during the day, so I check in on them about midnight, and then again when I wake up to use the restroom, usually around 4:30 or 5:00. But even that is taking its toll on me....
Kristi, they got the month wrong. I am very aware of stress THIS month!
Amen to the pot not boiling! I think Flospy is WIDER than she is tall, right now, and still....nothing. My Obie doe is "thinking about it", but not very hard. She was happily chewing her cud when I checked the two of them this morning and Flopsy was munching hay....sigh.
Oh no, no washing machine and no lambs. Doesn't sound like a pleasant Sunday at all. Of course once once starts to lamb, they all may jump on that bandwagon..
Hope the machine is easy and cheap to fix.
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