In spite of frequent heavy showers, I finally led the sheep out to pasture this afternoon, thinking that maybe Brava would rather drop her lambs on cold, wet grass than on dry, clean straw. Right now they are all out of sight in the patch of fir trees trying to stay dry. It is supposed to be cold and wet like this all week, more like winter than spring. If all three ewes decide to lamb this week, the fold is going to be full! After doing an early morning barn check and then crawling back in bed, I dreamed that one of the other ewes lambed first, surprising me with twins. I suppose that could happen. All three ewes' udders have gotten much tighter in the last couple days, and I've felt movement in all three bellies, so there will be lambs - eventually!
That's it for now at . . .

The waiting is truly the hardest part! I'm sure you'll have a fold full of lambs soon!
Oy! Tell those girls to get a move on! Aunt Min needs lambie pictures!!!!
Well, I think tonight will be your night for lambs. It's a full moon and the weather is less than desirable. Need I say more all you shepherdesses out there?
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