So, I've had 20 pounds of cabbage doin' its lacto-fermention thing in my basement bathroom. I did not want it to go bad when no one was looking, so even though I think it still tastes a bit like salty cabbage, into canning jars it went. Seven pints are cooling, five quarts are in the canner, and there's a small bowlful in the frig to try fresh. (Behind the pints of kraut above are five pints of apple butter.) Yeah, yeah, I've heard; cooking the kraut ruins its miraculous health benefits, but at least I'll have homemade kraut
and room in my frig!
While I'm no
Miss Effie, it always feels good to have food "put up." I think King Lemuel (Proverbs 31) and God would approve.
That's it for now from . . .
one of these days I'm going to start doing that... if I can ever tear myself away from my wheel lol
So impressed! Looks good.
The important thing is that your happy with it! I just tasted my fermenting ginger carrots and they taste salty. I sampled my sauerkraut too, and it is pleasantly sour. I may have have to start eating it and the heck with waiting the full 30 days!
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