Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Torch Tuesday
As in the flaming foliage of the Japanese maple in the island bed of our circular driveway: And as in "I am carrying a torch for you, Dinah; stand still!""What? Is it my snail scurs?"
Wow, that tree is gorgeous! I wish I had a yard. Wah! Must wait till May to get mine back...I have a snowball tree in the front yard, and a decimated chinese elm in the back yard. Hope it survives the winter, after the renter's dog took all the bark off it.
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
Wow she seriously looks worried he might catch her lol
I love maples, something that wont grow here on our wind swept plain :P
Wow, that tree is gorgeous! I wish I had a yard. Wah! Must wait till May to get mine back...I have a snowball tree in the front yard, and a decimated chinese elm in the back yard. Hope it survives the winter, after the renter's dog took all the bark off it.
Poor Dinah. The tree has such a variety of beautiful colors. Worth looking forward to fall.
We have a Japanese maple but it never turned as brilliant as that!
I think his snail scurs are kinda cute... :-) Beautiful trees!
She is just playing hard to get.....for NOW! ;)
Beautiful colors!
Poor Blackberry, hopefully Dinah gives in soon :)
Beautiful leaf colors, michelle.
And Blackberry's snail scurs look like the ones on White Pines Parker, the ram Sabrina traded me for LRO Ash.
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