Poor Braveheart. Since he caused so much trouble last week, he's been out in the biggest sheep lot by himself, day and night, no matter the weather (mostly WET). I just don't trust our fold set-up to hold him and our chore person didn't sign up for sheep wrangling. So until we get back at least, he is OUT and the other seven sheep are IN. It sure is quieter in the fold without the "big boy" in there!

That's it for now from . . .
Mr. Braveheart looks so dapper in his kilt(needs to be plaid :). Sounds like he is quite a challenge.
Looks like lots of rain in your part of the world. We are expecting it to show up here soon. Enjoy your trip.
ahhh, he's pitiful!
Oh, that is pitiful, but he'll manage and be all the happier ( and maybe more behaved!) when he finally gets to come back to the fold.
Have a great trip!
No empathy here, but the voice of caution: Braveheart may decide to remodel the fence and get out of his confinement. Solitary rams are not likely to be well behaved for long!
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